
Collaborative Environment for Development of Reactive Multi-Agent Systems (PT-BR only for now)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

web simula


  • Ruby 2.7
  • Rails 6
  • PostgreSQL 9.4
  • node.js v8.16.0 + yarn
  • Redis 3.0.5

External services

  • Postmark for sending e-mails
  • Sentry for error tracking (both client and server-side)

Development environment setup instructions

  • Install the dependencies above
  • Create a copy of config/application.example.yml and rename it to config/application.yml, update the content with real values
  • Open the project folder in your terminal
  • Run yarn install to install the JavaScript dependencies
  • Run bundle install to install the Ruby gems
  • Run rails db:create to create the local development database
  • Run rails db:schema:load to create the database tables

Starting up local server

Run rails s to start the server.


Run rails c to access the Rails console.

Automated testing

Run rails test to run automated tests for the server.

Production deployment

For production deployment refer to the wiki page: Deploying Web Simula in Production.