This project is a resolution of a code exam.
You should create the following function:
public String changeDate(String date, char op, long value);
- date: An date as String in the format “dd/MM/yyyy HH24:mi”;
- op: Can be only ‘+’ | ‘-‘;
- value: the value that should be incremented/decremented. It will be expressed in minutes;
- You shall not work with non-native classes / libraries;
- You shall not make use of neither Date nor Calendar classes;
- If the op is not valid an exception must be thrown;
- If the value is smaller than zero, you should ignore its signal;
- If the result sum is bigger than max value to the field, you should increment its immediate bigger field;
- Ignore the fact that February have 28/29 days and always consider only 28 days;
- Ignore the daylight save time rules.
changeDate("01/03/2010 23:00", '+', 4000) == "04/03/2010 17:40"
Using inversion of control, immutability and dependency injection principles, I tried to design stateless objects to execute operations over immutable data objects.
To calculate the operation I used:
- DateOperator: stateless class that executes the operation
- Date: immutable POJO that represents a Date operated or to be operated
- Month: enumeration of time constants
- DateParser: parses the string into a Date object
- DateWriter: writes a Date object as the intended string output
- OperationValidator: validates the input operation
- DateValidator: validate if a given Date object is coherent
- MinutesDateConverter: converts a Date object to its minutes sum
- Java JDK version 1.7
- JUnit version 4.11
- Maven version 2.2
- Maven Compiler Plugin version 3.3