
PHP framework

Primary LanguagePHP


  • bin : Something like artisan command, it's just a entrance to execute the command for once.
  • migrations : Put all your migrations here.
  • public : Things here should be public, like index.php, /css, /js, /img
  • src
    • Framework
      • Csrf
      • Dbal
      • MessageContainer
      • Rendering
      • Application: The application layer represents the possible interactions between the outside world and your application - the queries and commands that can be executed by the frontend. Application layer is also called service layer or use case layer.
      • Domain: The code for the business logic of your application resides in this layer.
      • Infrastructure: Here place the CRUD repository or query builder.
      • Presentation: Presentation layer encompasses everything from receiving a request from a user to returning an appropriate response.
  • storage : The uploaded data, or sqlite file.
  • templates : The html template files are here.
  • vendor : Of course the composer packages.