
A tiny state-management library with minimal API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A tiny state-management library with minimal API

How to install

npm install --save tiny-state

How to include


const createState = require('tiny-state');

ES6 modules (transpiled to CommonJS)

import createState from 'tiny-state';

Directly in browser (will be global createState variable)

<script src='/libs/tiny-state/index.js'></script>

How to use

Create state

var state = createState({
  a: 100,
  b: 200

If nothing is passed to createState, it will just be an empty object.

Subscribe to state

Once state is created, you can add subscribers to it:

var calculate = function(state) {
  console.log(state.a + state.b);

Or, alternatively:

var SomeObject = {
  c: 300,
  // this will allow us to preserve `this` word;
  // same will work with classes
  handleUpdate: function(state) {
    console.log(state.a + state.b + this.c);
state.subscribe(SomeObject); // once state changes, `SomeObject.handleUpdate` will be called

Change state

You can change state simply by calling state.change:

state.change(function(state) {
  state.a = 400;
  state.b = 500;
  // or, change anything you want

This will trigger update of the subscribers, who are subscribed to state. So, both calculate and SomeObject.handleUpdate will be called after this.

If you don't want to trigger update of subscribers, you can just directly modify the state like so:

state.a = 400;
state.b = 500;

Unsubscribing from state





Treat each state as a subscription point. Parts of your app may want to subscribe to different parts of the state. So, there's no shame in nesting states like so:

var state = createState({
  someGlobal: createState({ value: 100 })

Different parts of your app might want to create state for themselves, and subscribe to some parts of the global state. Take this React example:

// suppose this is some global in another file
state.c = createState({ value: 300 });

// and here's our React component
class MyApp extends React.Component {
  componentWillMount() {
    // creating own state
    state.MyApp = createState({
      a: 100,
      b: 200
    state.MyApp.subscribe(this); // subscribing to own state
    state.c.subscribe(this); // subscribing to global state

  // don't forget to unsubscribe before the component is discarded
  componentWillUnmount() {
    delete state.MyApp; // no longer need to keep state.MyApp

  // `handleUpdate` method for subscribing
  handleUpdate() {
    this.forceUpdate(); // This will trigger re-render

  render() {
    return (
        <div>Calculated Result: { state.MyApp.a + state.MyApp.b + state.c.value }</div>
        <button onClick={() => {
          state.MyApp.change((MyApp) => {
            MyApp.a += 100;
        }}> Change state.MyApp.a </button>

Note that we use state.c.value. We can't just use state.c, because state.c is a state that has to be an object, so that we can store subscribers within it.

If you need to, you can also see who modified the state within handleUpdate:

  handleUpdate(state) {
    if(state === state.MyApp) {
      console.log('state.MyApp changed, do one kind of update');
    else if(state === state.c) {
      console.log('state.c changed, do another kind of update');
