
Docker image to switch netcup failover ip

Primary LanguagePython

Netcup IPFailover Image

This docker image deploys uses netcup scp api to reassign a netcup failoverIP, if a server fails.


To use this image you need netcup as your server infrastructure provider. You also have to purchase and enable the netcup failoverIP service. More information can be found here: https://www.netcup.de/bestellen/produkt.php?produkt=1073


Build Image

docker build -t <image_name>:<image_version> .

Run Container

docker run -d \


Optional Parameters:

You can add multiple netcup server for the failover with the parameters FAILOVER_SERVER_1 and FAILOVER_SERVER_MAC_1. Just increment the last number.

Parameter Function Default Value
NETCUP_API_URL Netcup SCP Webservice API https://www.vservercontrolpanel.de:443/WSEndUser?wsdl
NETCUP_USER Netcup user -
NETCUP_PASSWORD Netcup Password -
FAILOVER_SERVER_LIST Netcup comma separated server list name e.g. "v22016063665435548,v22016063665435512" -
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL Slack webhook url https://hooks.slack.com/services/
TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS Time between two pings in seconds, after that, a failover will be initiated 60
DRY_RUN if set to 'ENABLED' the container monitors the failover ip, but won't reassign the failoverIP if a server is down. ''
LOG_LEVEL Log level. To view the log you can navigate to the log file /var/log/failover.log INFO
FAILOVER_IP Netcup failover IP -