
Utils to copy into your project to improve UX or fasten development: simple tkinter GUI, configuration, logger, file and dataframe manager, etc.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains multiple python utils, such as:

  • a simple tkinter GUI and enhanced message boxes,
  • a configuration manager,
  • file and dataframe managers,
  • a logger,
  • date utils,
  • various other models or utils.

Basic installation

  1. Install python 3.5+
  • For Windows, it is possible to install WinPython for example : https://winpython.github.io/

    Prefer not to use Anaconda as some issues have already occurred with pandas / numpy libraries.

  • For Linux distributions based on Debian, sudo apt-get install python3 should work as well.

  1. Preferably install a virtual environment in venv/
  • Open a terminal (cmd in Windows)
  • Type pip install virtualenv or python3 -m pip install virtualenv (Linux) / python -m pip install virtualenv (Windows)
  • Type virtualenv venv (precise the version of python to use if needed)
  1. Install requirements in the virtual environment:

    source tools/venv/Scripts/activate (Windows) or source tools/venv/bin/activate (Linux)

    pip install - requirements.txt

  2. You're done!

Setup of executable version

To compile main.py into main.exe file, run setup.bat (root directory) and select the first option 1.

Update documentation


To update auto-generated documentation, run setup.bat (root directory) and select the seventh option 7.


To update auto-generated documentation, use docs/.sphinx_config/Makefile:

cd docs/.sphinx_config/
make html


To update github documentation with gh-pages, first configure a repo python_utils_docs next to python_utils (see https://daler.github.io/sphinxdoc-test/includeme.html ), then use make update-gh-pages.

Project tree

The main idea of the project tree is to reduce the number of items in the root directory (still from 11 to 17 items) in order to allow non-developers to use tools without being concerned by configuration, logs, etc. That's why config/, logs/, tests/ are in tools/ directory and that makefiles or setup scripts are in docs/ or build/.

|-- build                       <== directory for Windows builds
|   |-- main.spec               <-- specification to compile executable version with pyinstaller
|   `-- inno_setup_script.iss   <-- Inno Setup script to create a setup
|-- data                        <== data files
|   `-- data files              <<< your own data
|-- docs                        <== documentation files
|   |-- .config/                <-- sphinx configuration and sources + other documentation scripts
|   |   |-- conf.py             <-- sphinx configuration
|   |   |-- index.rst           <-- sphinx index
|   |   |-- Makefile            <-- makefile (Linux) to generate developer documentation
|   |   |-- Makefile.ps1        <-- powershell script to convert Word documents to PDF
|   |   `-- source/             <-- rst documentation sources
|   |-- troubleshooting/        <-- documentation to debug errors
|   |-- developer_doc/          <-- auto-generated developer documentation
|   `-- other documents         <<< your own documents
|-- scripts/                    <== scripts and modules
|   |-- sample.py               <-- template script
|   `-- scripts or modules      <<< your own scripts and modules
|-- tools/                      <== packages and modules (utils)
|   |-- config/                 <-- configuration files INI
|   |-- helpers/                <-- functions
|   |   |-- advanced_utils/     <-- date and dataframe utils
|   |   |-- config_manager/     <-- configuration manager
|   |   |-- data_manager/       <-- file and dataframe manager
|   |   |-- interface/          <-- user interfaces and enhanced messagebox / simpledialog
|   |   |-- models/             <-- model classes
|   |   |-- utils/              <-- simple utils
|   |   |-- other packages      <<< your own utils
|   |   `-- __init__.py
|   |-- logs/                   <-- directory to save logs
|   |-- tests/                  <-- test directory
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- exceptions.py
|   |-- favicon.ico
|   `-- logger.py
|-- other project               <<< your own project (instead of using scripts/)
|-- .gitignore
|-- main.bat                    <-- launches main.py
|-- main.py                     <-- main python file
|-- README.rst                  <-- readme
|-- requirements.txt            <-- python requirements
`-- setup.bat                   <-- script to create an executable version (Windows)