Backend Junior Developer (Intern) Test

Welcome! and thank you for applying!


Your task is to add the necessary features to the current project's API blueprint structure to enable it to manage Docker containers, also referred to as workers, as fallows:

🔄 Integrate the 🐳 Docker Java library ( to enable connect and manage 👷‍♀️ workers.

➕ Add the required fields and database migration for the 👷‍♂️ Worker entity to keep all the information associated on available at the container level (like 🔌 ports, 👨‍💼 name, 🟢 status, etc..)

🆕 Add required entities and tables to track the 👷‍♂️ Worker statistics.

🆙 Update the 👷‍♂️ WorkerController to add actions for:

  • 📄 List workers (paginated)
  • ▶️ Start and ⏹️ Stop worker
  • 🔍 Get worker information
  • 📊 Get worker statistics

Constraints and restrictions

You are free to use any package or library you see feet as long as you follow these rules:

  • 👎 You can't copy and paste from other peoples work


Once you have established a connection to the database, you can test the application by using Swagger.

You can access Swagger by navigating to the following link: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/#/.


Your solution must be uploaded on GitHub, and submit us the link in max 1 week after receiving the task.


Keep in mind that this is the project that will be used to evaluate your skills. So we do expect you to make sure that the app is fully functional and doesn't have any obvious missing pieces.