Mesh merge

how to use it

# clone repository and submodule

git clone --recursive

# create buid dir

mkdir build

# generate build project
cmake ..

Ninja build tool is recommended!!!!

On the windows platform, add vcvars64.bat to the environment variable. Type vcvars64.bat on the command line to configure the current command line environment, and then cmake -S ./ -B ./build -G Ninja

On linx, just cmake -S ./ -B ./build -G Ninja

Recommended to use vscode for coding

Recommended plug-ins:

CMake Tools
Doxygen Documentation Generator 
Git History

Install plug-ins, Ctrl + Shift + P call CMake: Configure to generate ninja config file.

CMake: Set Build Target to set build target

CMake: Set Debug Target to set debug target

CMake: Run Without Debug to run target, the arguements was configured in .vscode/settings.json

debug configure in .vscode/launch.json