
Distillation of Mobilenet base BlazeFace to Resnet base BlazeFace

Primary LanguagePython



This is Distillation for Converting performance of MobileNet backborn BlazeFace(google) to ResNet backborn BlazeFace(original).

Distillation sturacture

Use KL divergence loss and softmax with temperature.

def kl_divergence_loss(logits, target):
    T = 0.01
    alpha = 0.6
    thresh = 100
    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
    # c : preprocess for distillation
    log2div = logits[1].clamp(-thresh, thresh).sigmoid().squeeze(dim=-1)
    tar2div = target[1].clamp(-thresh, thresh).sigmoid().squeeze(dim=-1).detach()
    closs = nn.KLDivLoss(reduction="batchmean")(F.log_softmax((log2div / T), dim = 1), F.softmax((tar2div / T), dim = 1))*(alpha * T * T) + F.binary_cross_entropy(log2div, tar2div) * (1-alpha)
    # r
    anchor = load_anchors("src/anchors.npy")
    rlogits = decode_boxes(logits[0], anchor)
    rtarget = decode_boxes(target[0], anchor)
    rloss = criterion(rlogits, rtarget) 
    return closs + rloss

Distillation perfomance (Resnet backborn BlazeFace)

1.MobileNet-backborn (google pretrained tflite model)

2.Resnet-backborn(Distillation customized Blazeface)

training log

1.loss curve

2 output mae accuracy


