
A larave vue js CRUD application

Primary LanguagePHP

About Project

This is basically a mini CRM project built on Laravel and Vue js.


  • Admin can manage companies.
  • Admin can manage employees.
  • Company and Employee has One to Many Relation(Eloquent relation)
  • Basic Valiation rules applied using Laravel Form Request.
  • Apis are used as well for front end linking with backend.
  • Database migration are used for all db schemas
  • Pagination applied .
  • Email notification is sent when a new company is added using Mailtrap.

Boiler Plates used in the Project

  • Basic laravel auth feature.
  • Bootsrap 4
  • Admin Lte.
  • Fontawsome.
  • Seeder
  • Sweet Alerts
  • Progress bar
  • and few more




Gul Muhammad