Kadabra is a tool developed to check for dependency confusion vulnerabilities in JavaScript projects (NPM).
As a Bug Hunter, you can use Kadabra when you find exposed package.json files in applications.
# Download
$ git clone https://github.com/gul4rt/kadabra.git && cd kadabra/
# Install dependencies
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# showing options
$ python3 kadabra.py --help
_ _ _
| | ____ _ __| | __ _| |__ _ __ __ _
| |/ / _` |/ _` |/ _` | '_ \| '__/ _` |
| < (_| | (_| | (_| | |_) | | | (_| |
|_|\_\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|_.__/|_| \__,_|
Dependency confusion checker
[i] version: 1.1
-h, --help: show this help message
-f, --file string: read content from a package.json file
-o, --output string: output file to write found issues
$ kadabra.py -f package.json
usage: kadabra.py [-h] -f FILE [-o OUTPUT]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
# parsing a package.json file
$ python3 kadabra.py -f package.json
_ _ _
| | ____ _ __| | __ _| |__ _ __ __ _
| |/ / _` |/ _` |/ _` | '_ \| '__/ _` |
| < (_| | (_| | (_| | |_) | | | (_| |
|_|\_\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|_.__/|_| \__,_|
Dependency confusion checker
[i] version: 1.1
-h, --help: show this help message
-f, --file string: read content from a package.json file
-o, --output string: output file to write found issues
$ kadabra.py -f package.json
[INF] checking dependencies
[200] bootstrap package is up
[200] jquery package is up
[200] popper.js package is up
[404] xpto-inn package not found, possibly vulnerable to dependency confusion
[INF] total finds: 1