
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is a demonstration of the contrails created by the planes in the sky.

How to build


Open git bash to the directory containing this repository.

Plane_Contrails $ mkdir build
Plane_Contrails $ cd build
Plane_Contrails/build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..
Plane_Contrails/build $ start Plane_Contrails.sln

Your solution file should contain one project: Plane_Contrails. To run from the git bash command shell,

Plane_Contrails/build $ ../bin/Debug/scene


Open terminal to the directory containing this repository.

Plane_Contrails $ mkdir build
Plane_Contrails $ cd build
Plane_Contrails/build $ cmake ..
Plane_Contrails/build $ make

To run each program from build, you would type:

Plane_Contrails/build $ ../bin/scene


Main Objects

  • a skybox is mapped on a cube to form the backgeround.


  • a plane is loaded in the model using meshes

Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 2 31 02 PM

  • The smoke (contrails) is formed using cloud image.

Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 2 33 13 PM

  • All objects combined give the following image (Top View):

Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 1 24 55 PM

Algorithms and Data structures

  • Camera

    • The camera roatates using mouse click and cursor positions.
    • The Shift key and mouse cursor are used together to zoom in and zoom out.
    • Formula for camera totation and zooming:

    x = Dist * sin(Azimuth) * cos(Elevation)

    y = Dist * sin(Elevation)

    z = Dist * cos(Azimuth) * cos(Elevation)


    • Skybox is implemented using new class SkyBox.
    • The Size of the box is 6.0f.
    • SkyBoc.h and SkyBox.cpp are the files to imeplement skybox.
    • skybox.vs and skybox.fs are the shader files which imeplement the skybox.
    • With texture this is what the skybox looks like:
    Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 2 48 13 PM
    • The six textures are mapped correctly using trial and error method.
  • Particle

    • myParticle.cc and myPaerticle.h files are used to implement particles
    • All particles are placed in a line starting from the end positon of the plane.
    • the initial size is zero for all the particles.
    • the size and positon increase with time, dt.
    • when the parrticle goes out of 3.0f cube, the size is set to zero and the position is set to the initial popsition.
    • billboard.vs and billboard.fs are the shaders file for particles.
  • Plane

    • the Plane is implemented using mesh.h and mesh.cpp class.
    • phongPerFrag.vs and phongPerFrag.fs are the shaders file for the plane.
    • the shaders are per fragment shaders.
  • Final Implementation Algorithm:

    • There are sepatation set up codes for back ground, particles and meshes outside of while loop where I render the objects.
    • I use shader Ids to render background, particles and the plane.
    • Rendering Algorithms:
      • set background shader as the active shader using glUseProgram(shaderBackGroundId) and then draw background;
      • set particle shader as the active shader using glUseProgram(shaderParticleId) and then draw particles;
      • lastly, set the plane shaders as the active shader using glUseProgram(shaderPlaneId); and then draw the meshes

Project Demo


Furue Implementation Ideas

  • make the plane move.
  • allow multiple contrails
  • add texture to the plane.
  • add clouds to give it a more realistic look.