
Project assignment for TDT4250 course.

Primary LanguageJava

School Programs and Courses


This project is a solution to the first and second assignment in the course "TDT4250 - Avansert programvaredesign".


In short, the first assignment is to model a school institution, with courses, study programs and individual study plans using Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) with Eclipse. Solution to this assignment is found under no.espegu.course.model/.

The second assignment is to use an instance of the model to generate a html-webpage using a model-to-text (M2T) framework (Acceleo). Solution to the second assignment is found under no.espegu.course.html/ (but is dependant on the model-folder in order to generate the output).

Assignment 2

Running the transformation

A separate guide for running assignment 2 can be found here.

Assignment 2: Sample output

A sample output of the transformation can be found and opened directly in your browser here.

Assigment 2: Modeling changes

The model from assignment 1 has been slightly improved with a new entity "Slot".

A list of Slot is now what makes up mandatory and elective courses in a ProgramSemester. This enables more fine grained control of which courses that can be selected in a semester. A slot may include multiple courses availableCourses, but if only one is present the course is considered mandatory. The field requiredCredits is used to determine how many subjects one may choose from the list of availableCourses.

A StudyPlanSemester no longer has a list selectedCourse, but selected courses are derived from the selected courses of each Slot in the related ProgramSemester.

Project Structure

Most of the Java code in this project was generated using models made with the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) in Eclipse.

E-core Project (model/)

This file contains information about the model itself. In short it describes the relation between each entity (e.g. "school" or "student"), details about the entities themselves (fields, supported operations), and other information such as "validation constraints". This file is edited through a graphical view in Eclipse.

This file is linked to the Courses.ecore file. Using the information from the ecore-file, one may use this file to generate source code such as concrete Java classes of the modelled entities (as well as test a suite for the entities in the model).

Java Code (src/course)

The src/course folder contains generated interfaces, concrete classes and utility classes (all generated by CoursesGenMod.genmodel using the model described by Courses.ecore). Custom files added to the src folder is not removed if code generation is run again.

Noteworthy interfaces

CourseFactory.java Provides a singleton factory eINSTANCE in order to create new instances of the different entities in the project.

Concrete implementation classes of the generated interfaces. These classes also have mostly generated code (annotated @generated), but if custom implementation of some code is needed it is possible to override the methods using the NOT-keyword in the annotation @generated NOT.

CourseValidator.java May be used to run runtime validations of any instantiated entity, using constraints described in code (Ecore) or in the model itself (OCL-constraints).

Assignment 1: Example usage

An example where the generated java classes in this project have been used can be found here CompleteRunnableExample.java

This example also contains inline comments explaining more in-depth the relations between the entities in the domain model.

The output generated by the program can be found here: docs / output_from_CompleteRunnable.txt

Domain Model

Model Hierarchy

UML Diagram

School Being the top level entity in the domain model, "School" includes multiple Programs and Students.
Program Consist of a name, required credits and a list of ProgramYear entities.
Student Has a name, and a one-to-one relation to StudyPlan (so that a Student can exist, though it has no StudyPlan yet).
ProgramYear A Program may have multiple starting years (ProgramYear). The content of a program may change depending on the ProgramYear, e.g. new Courses or ProgramDirections are introduced. Has multiple ProgramSemesters.
ProgramDirection Selectable specialization within a Program. A ProgramDirection appears in a ProgramSemester (with an opposite-link chosenInSemester), but may also contain ProgramSemesters to define current or future semesters.
ProgramSemester Contains mandatory and elective Courses, or ProgramDirections (specializations). If the ProgramSemester is contained in a ProgramYear, its field programYear is populated. If the ProgramSemester is contained in a ProgramDirection its field parentProgramDirection is populated. Note: This reference is populated automatically ("opposite"-link in ecore model).
StudyPlan Has multiple StudyPlanSemesters, is owned by a Student. Also has a reference to a ProgramYear, making it possible to know which year the StudyPlan was started and which Program is selected.
StudyPlanSemester Contains a list of selected Courses. Has a reference to the ProgramSemester, which contains which Courses are mandatory and optional for this semester. Total credits for a StudyPlanSemester is done by combining credits for selected Courses with the referenced ProgramSemester mandatory courses.
Course Consist of a code, name, total credits, when it is taught (SemesterType.AUTUMN or SemesterType.SPRING).
Semester Consist of a Year and SemesterType (SemesterType.AUTUMN or SemesterType.SPRING). StudyPlanSemester and ProgramSemester inherits from this entity.