Jitsi Videobridge is an XMPP server component that allows for multiuser video communication. Unlike the expensive dedicated hardware videobridges, Jitsi Videobridge does not mix the video channels into a composite video stream, but only relays the received video channels to all call participants. Therefore, while it does need to run on a server with good network bandwidth, CPU horsepower is not that critical for performance.
You can find documentation in the doc/ directory in the source tree.
Running it
You can download binary packages for Debian/Ubuntu:
Maven assembly binaries:
Or you can clone the Git repo and run the JVB from source using maven.
HOST="Your XMPP server hostname/IP address goes here."
DOMAIN="The JVB component name goes here."
PORT="the component port of your XMPP server goes here."
SECRET="The secret or password for the JVB component."
JVB_HOME="The path to your JVB clone."
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="--host=$HOST --domain=$DOMAIN --port=$PORT --secret=$SECRET" -Djava.library.path=$JVB_HOME/lib/native/linux-64 -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$JVB_HOME/lib/