A Spring Boot application that adds password protection to pdf files.
Adds password to pdf files, just send a post request to /pdf endpoint and give file & password.
Then download your encrypted pdf file. You will be able to open encrypted pdf file when you enter correct password .
- Java 8
- Spring Boot 2.4.0
- Apache PDFBox 2
- Lombok
Requires jdk8 and maven
mvn clean install
file should be generated.
java -jar target/pdfencryptor-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Application will run from 8090 port.
Change Port
You can change port from src/main/resources/application.properties
Or give your custom port with -Dserver.port
parameter like this;
java -Dserver.port=8888 -jar target/pdfencryptor-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Following curl request sends sample.pdf fıle to server for encryptıon. And sets 12345678 as password. Then saves encrypted pdf file as sample_encrypted.pdf .
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8090/pdf' \
--form 'file=@sample.pdf' \
--form 'password=12345678' -o 'sample_encrypted.pdf'
This repository has not deployed to anywhere, just download jar file from releases and run from your own environment.
- Mehmet Fatih Gültekin (gultekin.mehmetfatih@gmail.com)