
Linear Regression | Example code and own notes while taking the course "Intro to Machine Learning" on Udacity.

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Linear Regression

Linear Regression | Example code and own notes while taking the course "Intro to Machine Learning" on Udacity.


Performance metrics (In sklearn)

R-squared (sum of the errors) = Performance of your regreession: reg.score()

Slope: reg.coef_

Intercept: reg.intercept_



Minimizing the Sum of Squared Errors (SSE)

The best regression is the one that minimizes the sum of squared errors.


  • actual: training points

  • predicted: predictions from regression (y = mx + b)

There can be multiple lines that minimizes ∑|error|, but only one line will minimize ∑error²!


SSE is an evaluation metric, however, if you have more data you might get larger SSe, so this does not mean that you have worse fit. right?

Several algorithms

  • Ordinary last squares (OLS): Used in sklearn linear regression
  • Gradient descent

r² ("R-squared") of a regression

How much of my change in the output (y) is explained by the change in my input (x)?


  • 0.0: Line isn't doing a good job of capturing trend data
  • 1.0: Line does a good job of describing relationship between input(x) and output(y)

R-squared is independent of the number of training points.

Comparing Classification & Regression

Property Supervised Classification Regression
Output Type Discrete(class labels) Continuous (number)
What are you trying to find? Decision boundry Best fit line
Evaluation Accuracy Sum of squared error -or- r²