Basic application with forms and retrieval of temperature information through a REST call to This application was build during the Udemy Complete React Web App Developer course, which I highly recommend.
I have made numerous changes to tools used in the course to better match my preferred development environment.
I have completely changed the build system used in the course (webpack) to an npm script based build system. NPM scripts seem much cleaner build system to me, so I got rid of webpack and use cli tools and npm to build the project. All the dependencies are included in the package.json file.
I also prefer Bootstrap to Foundation, and have handled all the UI using react-bootstrap.
I like the syntax of Stylus over that of SCSS, and so the css pre-compiler used in this project is Stylus.
Install heroku cli tool on your machine.
heroku create git push heroku master
This template is for a web-based, single-page application built with React.js.
The development files live in the ./dev/ directory, and are 'built' into the ./dist/ directory. The build is accomplished using browserify and babelify (with react, es205, stage-0, and airbnb plugins). As noted above, css build is accomplished using a base bootstrap theme file included in ./dev/styles/includes/ Users of this template can incorporate any bootstrap theme file here if a custom theme is needed.
I have added a karma.conf.js configuration file that expects tests to live in ./dev/app/**/*.test.jsx files. Placing test files along side component files makes it easier for me to see what has tests and what doesn't.
The suggested method for getting FormControl values is to use the component's this.refs.X.getDOMNode().value mechanism. For some reason, I couldn't seem to get that to work; and, moreover, I don't like it. To me, this call violates encapsulation (I shouldn't have to know that refs.X has a getDOMNode() method).
As a result I used the more verbose, method of setting the FormControl's value to a state variable, and updating the state variable using the FormControl's onChange handler. The two advantages are:
- The mechanisms for accessing form input values are in the domain of Forms and FormControls; not bleeding into the domain of the DOM.
- I think that, at some point the react-bootstrap Forms API will change to make value retrieval of form input more rational; and this approach feels like it is relying on more stable parts of the react-bootstrap framework
- I don't like reaching into the DOM with react around. I would rather react deal with all DOM manipulation, and I work through react framework.
I did run into one issue with supplying FormControl with value={this.state.X}: If this.state.X is not initialized (or is initialized to undefined), then the FromControl is instantiated as an uncontrolled form. This causes a warning to appear in the console when the value of this.state.X is updated and fed back to the FormControl (now making the FormControl a controlled component -- which is a no-no). To eliminate the warning, I had to initialize the value of this.state.X to something like 0 or ''.