
Personal dotfiles with configurations for sway, vim, zsh, etc.

Primary LanguageCSS


git clone https://github.com/gumieri/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles && ~/dotfiles/local/bin/setup

alacritty — A fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.

neovim — Edit text.

tmux — terminal multiplexer

zsh — The Z shell.


foot — Wayland terminal emulator. Has daemon mode. Also very fast.

gammastep — Set color temperature of display according to time of day. Fork of redshift. Blue light filter.

mako — Notification daemon for Wayland

paru — AUR helper and pacman wrapper.

swappy — Grab and edit on the fly snapshots of a Wayland compositor.

sway — An i3-compatible Wayland compositor. A window manager.

swaylock — Screen locker for sway.

swayidle — Idle manager for Wayland.

waybar — Wayland bar for sway.

waylogout — Graphical logout/suspend/reboot/shutdown dialog for wayland.

wofi — A rofi inspired launcher for wlroots compositors. Application launcher.


sketchybar — Statusbar

skhd — Simple hotkey daemon

yabai — Tiling window manager