This MATLAB code performs the state and input estimation for a linear state space system with coloured noise using the Free energy principle from neuroscience, as given in the following paper:
A. A. Meera and M. Wisse, "Free Energy Principle Based State and Input Observer Design for Linear Systems with Colored Noise," 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, CO, USA, 2020, pp. 5052-5058, doi: 10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147581.
In order to simulate it, run DEM_observer.m file.
List of variable names and their meanings
The model structure represents the generative process, while the brain structure represents the generative model.
Tt: Time vector (starting from 0)
model.t : Time vecotor starting from sampling time
model.sam_time : Sampling time
model.real_cause : System input (measured) - nv*nt matrix
model.process_x : States state (only used for plotting) - nt*nx matrix
model.process_y : System output (measured) - nt*ny matrix
model.A : A matrix - nx*nx matrix
model.B : B matrix - nx*nv matrix
model.C : C matrix - ny*nx matrix
model.s : Noise smoothness
model.p : Embedding order of states
model.d : Embedding order of imputs
model.sigma_w : Standard deviation of state noise
model.sigma_z : Standard deviation of observation noise
brain.nv : Number of inputs
brain.ny : Number of outputs
brain.nx : Number of states
brain.nt : Number of total time steps