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Foster Connect App | foster-client

As a foster parent you are required to complete a significant amount of documentation and training. This is an ongoing process and is required for each child on multiple occassions. It can also be difficult for foster parents to find a support netowrk of other foster parents. The Foster Connect app will allow foster parents to create an account that gives them the ability to connect with other foster parents. They will also be able to create profiles for the children in thier care to keep documents and information organized.


  • React
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • axios
  • Cloudinary
  • Heroku
  • JavaScript
  • Webpack


  • Implementing redux (ran out of time)
  • User authentication over cross-linked urls
  • User profile images (cloudinary api)
  • Document downloading (cloudinary api)

Project Timeline

Day Deliverable Status
Jul 25 Project Description Done
Jul 26 Wireframes Done
Jul 26 Flowchart Done
Jul 26 Timeline Done
Jul 26 Database Relationship Chart Done
Jul 27 Finish Redux Training 2.5 hrs Wes Bos course Done
Jul 28 Create API - Ruby on Rails Done
Jul 28 Seed User, Children & Messages (Faker?) -
Jul 28 Seed Resources by hand Done
Jul 29 Create React App Done
Jul 29 Sign in, Create Profile Done
Jul 30 Profile Pages (RUD) Done
Jul 31 Child Profile Pages (CRUD) Done
Aug 01 Picture & Document Show All Pages -
Ongoing App styling Done
Ongoing Testing & Debugging -
Aug 03 Messageboard Page (CRUD) -
Aug 05 Final styling tweaks -
Aug 06 Presentation Prep -
Aug 08 Present -

MVP & Stretch Goals


Stretch Goals

  • Use React Redux to handle state
  • Lazy loading
  • Create & Send messages via messageboard
  • Create a dynamic slideshow from pictures

User Stories

A user will be able to ...

  • sign up for, and login to their account
  • Create, Read, Update & Delete their account
  • Create, Read, Update & Delete profiles for children in their care
  • Add pictures
  • Add documents to children's profile to keep them organized

Database Structure

  • Users
    • Name
    • Password
    • Children (DB)
  • Children
    • Name
    • Status
    • Pictures
    • Documents
  • Messageboard
    • Subject
    • Content
    • User (DB)
      • Name




Sign in Page

Profile Page


Frontend: https://fosterconnect-client.herokuapp.com/ API: https://fosterconnect-api.herokuapp.com/

Provided for the students of the Bottega Code School

Fork from es6-webpack2-starter