
Expand/Explain examples for mixed mode (Builder and Algebra mode)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Builder Mode - WORKS

length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
center_hole_dia = 22.0

with BuildPart() as ex2:
    Box(length, width, thickness)
    Cylinder(radius=center_hole_dia / 2, height=thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

Algebra Mode - WORKS

length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
center_hole_dia = 22.0

ex2 = Box(length, width, thickness)
ex2 -= Cylinder(center_hole_dia / 2, height=thickness)


length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
center_hole_dia = 22.0

length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
center_hole_dia = 22.0

with BuildPart() as ex1:
    Box(length, width, thickness)

with BuildPart() as ex2:
    Cylinder(radius=center_hole_dia / 2, height=thickness)


Explain that you need to use PART


To help address this issue commit 3389545 introduces new error messages to help guide new users:

with BuildPart() as a:
    Box(1, 1, 1)

with BuildPart() as b:
    Cylinder(1, 1)

 c = a + b
RuntimeError: BuildPart is a builder of Shapes and can't be combined. The object being constructed is accessible via the 'part' attribute.

(the same error message applies to '-' and & operators).

Invalid method calls are also handled as shown here:

with BuildSketch() as a:
    Rectangle(1, 1)

AttributeError: 'BuildSketch' has no attribute 'export_stl'. Did you intend '<BuildSketch>.sketch.export_stl'?