
split(fillet) broken

Closed this issue · 2 comments

b = extrude(Rectangle(10,10), 10)
b = split(b, Plane.XY.offset(2))


b = extrude(Rectangle(10,10), 10)
b = fillet(b.edges()<<Axis.Z, 4)
b = split(b, Plane.XY.offset(2))


This works:

b = extrude(Rectangle(10,10), 10)
b = fillet(b.edges()<<Axis.Z, 4).solid()  # <===
b = split(b, Plane.XY.offset(2))

It seems to be a similar same problem as with extrude( ..., both=True)

obj = SlotCenterPoint((0, 0), (-6, 0), 5) - Pos(-6, 0) * Circle(1)
p2 = extrude(obj, 0.5, both=True)
s2 = split(p2, Plane.YZ.offset(-3), keep=Keep.BOTTOM)

fails, while

obj = SlotCenterPoint((0, 0), (-6, 0), 5) - Pos(-6, 0) * Circle(1)
p2 = extrude(obj, 0.5, both=True).solid()  # <===
s2 = split(p2, Plane.YZ.offset(-3), keep=Keep.BOTTOM)


Somehow in algebra mode a step is missing, because this works:

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as s:
    fillet(p.edges()<<Axis.Z, 4)

and this works:

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as s:
        SlotCenterPoint((0, 0), (-6, 0), 5)
        with Locations((-6, 0)):
            Circle(1, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=0.5, both=True)
    split(bisect_by=Plane.YZ.offset(-3), keep=Keep.BOTTOM)

I guess this is something that happens in the builder at the end, but I can't find it.
Maybe @gumyr knows from experience what happens in the Builder that might need to be added to the direct API for algebra mode working without adding .solid()

The problem here was multiple layers of Compound were getting added in some circumstances. I've changed the extrude operation to return Part(ShapeList(new_solids).solids()) which removes the extra Compound layer (which is what happens in the Builder when it's combined). I didn't change anything else because sometimes alternative shapes may be okay.

If you see any more of these, please let me know.