
PositionMode.LENGTH incorrect

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w = Wire([Line(v1, v2).edge() for v1,v2 in itertools.pairwise([Vector(a,0) for a in [(i/10)**2 for i in range(0, 11)]])]).close()
s = w.positions(range(11), PositionMode.LENGTH)


  • These should be uniformly spaced
  • The overall length of this Wire is 1, yet it fits sample points at distances of up to 10

Are you sure this is working right? I am having similar problems. I think the issue is :

class Mixin1D:
        law.D0(param, tangent, normal, binormal)
        pnt = curve.Value(param)

It is not clear to me what the law is actually doing here, and I am having some trouble getting results that I expect.