
This is a notes app that uses Dart/Flutter frontend with a Firebase backend, which helps with authentication and cloud storage.

Primary LanguageDart

Smart Notes App


This a a simple notes app that helps people take and organize notes. This uses Dart/Flutter to create the frontend for all platforms: Android, iOS, and Web. Furthermore, this has the ability to handle unique users through the use of Firebase. Furthermore, Firebase allows for notes to be stored securely in the cloud.

Setting up Project the on Local Computer

  1. Clone the git repository onto your local computer
  2. Install Android Studio using this link: https://developer.android.com/studio
  3. Install Flutter using this link: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install
  4. Go to command prompt and run the command "flutter doctor". This will tell you whether you are missing any necessary components; if you are, download them.
  5. Open project in android studio and run the 'pub get' prompt at the top of the page. This will import all the necessary flutter dependencies.
  6. Using android studio, install the android emulator. The following link has resources to help with this process: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator
  7. To test the application on iOS, a Macbook or iPhone is necessary.
  8. Anyone can test the application on web by simply choosing Chrome or browser of their choice when about to run the application.
  9. Finally, choose the device/platform you want to test on the top right and click run.
  10. This may take a minute, but please be patient and voila!

Contribute to Project

If there are any changes you made that fix any bug or add a fun new feature, please do not hesitate to create a pull request. I will try to respond to it as soon as possible and try to incorporate it into the project. However, in the pull request, please be specific in the changes that were made to make the process quicker.

Future Directions for the Project

Currently, we have a working version that performs the basic task of taking notes. However, I would like to improve it in the future by giving people the ability to style their text (i.e. bold, italisize, change font family). Additionally, to make it smarter, I would like to implement a deep learning model that helps produce a summary of the note at the homescreen to better help users find a certain text. (Of course this would occur while respecting privacy.) Finally, any performace improvements or bug fixes are always on the radar for future fixes.