
A well-structured production ready Next.js boilerplate with Typescript, Redux, Express.js, Sass, Css, EnvConfig, Reverse Proxy, Bundle Analyzer.

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Performance oriented Next.js application boilerplate with Redux, Typescript, Express.js and Sass.

Performance oriented Next.js application boilerplate with Redux, Typescript, Express.js and Sass.

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Created by Pankod


Next.js is a minimalistic React framework that runs in the browser and the server. It offers developers an easy way to get started, and as it uses React.js for templating it is also a straightforward way for developers with React experience to get productive fast.

The advantages of this approach is to be able to create Rich User experiences in a uniform way, without compromising Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) factors that are key to good ranking on Google and other search engines.

This boilerplate make it easier to get started with a well-structured Next.js and TypeScript application.

By the end of setup, you'll have a Next.js project and features which is specified at the below.


This boilerplate includes the latest powerfull tools.

  • Next.js - Minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications.
  • Typescript - Superset of JavaScript which primarily provides optional static typing, classes and interfaces. path support(allias)
  • Redux - State management
  • Express.js- Handles server-side rendering and integrated with Express.js
  • Sass/Scss - CSS preprocessor, which adds special features such as variables, nested rules and mixins (sometimes referred to as syntactic sugar) into regular CSS.
  • Babel - The compiler for next generation JavaScript. Module(alias) support
  • TSLint - Contains TypeScript-specific options for our project.
  • Reverse Proxy - A reverse proxy server is a type of proxy server that typically sits behind the firewall in a private network and directs client requests to the appropriate backend server
  • Bundler Analyzer - Visualize size of webpack output files with an interactive zoomable treemap.
  • dotenv .config - Expose environment variables to the runtime config of Next.js

Here are a few highlights to look out for in this boilerplate

The boilerplate includes tsconfig.json which contains a list of your input files as well as all your compilation settings.

One of TypeScript’s core principles is that type-checking focuses on the shape that values have. This is sometimes called “duck typing” or “structural subtyping”. In TypeScript, interfaces fill the role of naming these types, and are a powerful way of defining contracts within your code as well as contracts with code outside of your project.

Includes babel-plugin-module-resolver

A Babel plugin to add a new resolver for your modules when compiling your code using Babel. This plugin allows you to add new "root" directories that contain your modules. It also allows you to setup a custom alias for directories, specific files, or even other npm modules.

Includes next-runtime-dotenv

Normally, .env isn’t available in the browsers (only Node.js), but our boilerplate uses npm package for make it available.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/pankod/next-boilerplate.git
  1. To create a new app, go to the choosen app directory on the CLI then run one of the following methods:


npm install


yarn install
  1. Once the installation is done, you can run the following command:
npm run start:dev

Then open http://localhost:3000/ to see your app.

At this point, your project layout should look like this:

├── app
│  ├── proxy.js
│  ├── routes.js
│  └── server.js
├── next.config.js
├── pages
│  ├── _app.tsx
│  ├── _document.tsx
│  ├── home
│  │  ├── index.scss
│  │  └── index.tsx
│  └── index.ts
├── src
│  ├── Actions
│  │  ├── HomeActions.ts
│  │  └── index.ts
│  ├── Components
│  │  ├── Heading
│  │  │  ├── index.tsx
│  │  │  └── style.scss
│  │  └── index.ts
│  ├── Definations
│  │  ├── ActionConsts.ts
│  │  └── index.ts
│  ├── Interfaces
│  │  ├── Components
│  │  │  └── Heading.d.ts
│  │  ├── index.ts
│  │  └── Pages
│  │     ├── App.d.ts
│  │     └── Home.d.ts
│  └── Redux
│     ├── Reducers
│     │  ├── home.ts
│     │  └── index.ts
│     └── store.ts
├── tsconfig.json
└── tslint.json


Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2018-present Pankod