
Primary LanguageJavaScript

gunar - 2019-09-10


yarn install


yarn dev


yarn build && yarn start


yarn test


Concerns that have been addressed

  • Memory overflow because file too big (check happens on the backend)
  • Upload of non-image files (weak check because mime-based)
  • Upload of malicious code — even if an attacker successfully uploads code disguised as an image, this code would never be executed, because both backend and frontend have a build phase
  • Deleting files outside of the /public folder (e.g. DELETE ../index.js)
  • Uploading files outside the /public folder (e.g. UPLOAD ../index.js)
  • Listing files outside the /public folder (e.g. GET /files?query=../)
  • Files are never placed in /public before validations (i.e. they're placed in the /tmp folder)
  • XSS in the filename — Invalid file names such as file<script>...</script>.jpg fail to be uploaded because the library multiparty fails to parse it. Nonetheless, we do a striptags on the filename just in case.

Concerns to be addressed as improvement

  • Content Security Policy (CSP) — This is important, but I've had too much trouble trying to make it play nice with Next.js and I can't spend more time on this right now
  • Store files in a third-party persistent storage service (e.g. AWS S3)
  • When doing operations on files (e.g. deleting) it's usually safer to reference files by their uids than by their names
  • API security tests that, for example, assert that the application doesn't allow a user to invoke DELETE ../index.js
  • Actually testing that the file uploaded is a valid image, instead of just relying on mime-type


  • TypeScript. Not worth it for a small project like this but can't-live-without for large scale applications—and by the way, typings for Next.js are very good
  • Optimistic updates. For deletions, searches, and uploads
  • Thumbnails. For images uploaded
  • Progress bar. For uploads
  • External storage. Storing files in a third-party (e.g. AWS S3) instead of local persistent storage.
  • Testing the File Select Dialog. There's currently no way to have cypress select files from the File Select Dialog, so instead of clicking the Upload button, we're hooking directly into hidden <Input type="file"/> element


  • nextNext.js React Framework
  • isomorphic—unfetch — Making API calls both from frontend and as Server—Side Rendering
  • prettier — Formatting the code (not added as an explicit dependency)
  • multiparty — Parsing multipart—form data requests (i.e. file uploads)
  • micro — For parsing the body of requests differently depending on the HTTP VERB — needed to allow PUT and DELETE to the same endpoint route
  • p-debounce — Avoiding making too many calls to the backend when typing in the search query
  • react—toastify — Presenting success and error notifications
  • striptags — Removing HTML tags to avoid XSS
  • cypress — End—to—end tests
  • cypress-file-upload — Command for Cypress to simulate file uploads


Next.js automatically generates API Endpoints for files under the /pages/api directory.

GET /api/files?query=

  • Returns a list of files
  • Query arguments: query — filters results

PUT /api/file

  • Uploads a file
  • Expects multipart/form-data
  • Max file size: 10mb
  • Returns 200 on success

DELETE /api/file

  • Deletes a file
  • JSON POST arguments: filename — name of the file to be deleted
  • Returns 200 on success

Other notes

Hi, and thanks for taking a look at my code.

As you can see, Next.js is doing all the heavy lifting. Thanks Next.js!

