Toptal Android Application

This project is created for toptal exam. The application has simple user management and world clocks features. Basically a user can register, and create clocks depending on timezones. Admin level user is also able to manage other users and their clock records.

Project Structure

Since this project contains both server and client application code, it has 3 modules as following;

  • app (Android Client Application)
  • protocol (Common code between client and server)
  • server (Server Application)

Used technologies

For app part, application has;

  • Jetpack Libraries
  • Arch Components
  • Material Theme
  • Dagger
  • ReactiveX
  • RxBinding
  • Retrofit
  • and many more

On server side;

  • Spring Boot Starter Packs
  • Jackson Faster XML
  • Joda Time
  • and more

How to run

Well, applications can be run directly on the command line or builds can be deployed for non-dev environments.

Server runs with command:

./gradlew bootRun

Android Application can be installed directly to connected device or emulator by:

./gradlew installDebug

After making sure server is running, following command runs instrumentation tests.

./gradlew connectedAndroidTest

In order to run Unit Tests for Android:

./gradlew testDebugUnitTest


On the same machine, server and emulator are configured to work together without additional tuning. However if required to work on different devices; app/build.gradle contains IP and Port information as following:

buildConfigField 'String', 'BASE_URL', '""'

In addition, for security reasons; Android does not allow cleartext traffic to an arbitrary IP address, thus app/src/debug/res/xml/network_security_config.xml should be edited appropriately.

How to take out builds

Fat jar for server can be created by;

./gradlew bootJar

jar file will be generated as server/build/libs/toptal-rest-service.jar.

Similarly APK file can be generated by;

./gradlew aDebug

and APK file will be app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk.

However careful! IP address, SSL certificate, Android App Signing certificate is not prepared. They should be handled carefully prior tp deploying production. But it is out of the scope of this project.