
A database of ocular transcriptome expression profiling

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A database of transcriptome profiles encompassing known and novel transcripts across multiple developmental stages in eye tissues in mouse

Production server

Express is running on https://sysbio.sitehost.iu.edu/express/.

Local server


After setting up an environment including Apache and MySQL servers, you will need following files and operations to set up the actual local server for Express.

  1. This repository

     cd /path/to/www # actual root directory for Apache server
     git clone https://github.com/gungorbudak/express.git
  2. Change the base URL at 4th line of assets/js/app.js into localhost

     perl -pi -e "s/sysbio\.sitehost\.iu\.edu\//localhost/g" path/to/www/express/assets/js/app.js
  3. A directory called resources under root directory

     cd /path/to/www/express # actual root of the cloned repository
     mkdir resources
  4. Custom GENCODE vM7 annotation and XML files under resources directory

     cd /path/to/www/express/resources
     wget https://sysbio.sitehost.iu.edu/express/resources/gencode.vM7.tgz
     tar -zxfv gencode.vM7.tgz
     rm gencode.vM7.tgz
  5. 2bit format for Mus musculus 10 reference genome (from UCSC) under resources directory

     cd /path/to/www/express/resources
     wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm10/bigZips/mm10.2bit
  6. The MySQL dump of Express database

     cd /path/to/www/express/resources
     wget https://sysbio.sitehost.iu.edu/express/resources/express.sql.gz
     gunzip < express.sql.gz | mysql -u user -p express
     rm express.sql.gz

After completing these steps, you should be able to see the local server for Express on http://localhost/express/.