Mas Gun Javascript Workbench

Amazon Web Services - Serverless

  1. AWS Serverless CI/CD
    • Create Cloud9 Workspace
    • Create Serverless Application Model (SAM)
    • SAM CLI Local Development
    • Deployment
    • Pipeline
    • Canary Deployment
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  1. ether.js
    • Connect to Metamask
    • Connect to Ethereum Node Via JSON-RPC
    • Querying Blockchain
    • Contract Integration
    • Signing Message
  2. eth-crypto
    • Creating Keys
    • Sign Transaction

Data Structure

  1. Lodash
    • Array Manipulation
    • Collection Manipulation
    • Function Manipulation
    • Lang Manipulation
    • Math Manipulation
    • Number Manipulation
    • Object Manipulation
    • Seq Manipulation
    • String Manipulation
    • Util Manipulation


  1. decimal.js
    • Addition, Subtraction, Division & Multiplication Methods
    • Precision, Rounding, Modulo Properties
    • Is Not a Number ?, Is Integer?, Is Negative?, Is Positive?, Is Finite?, Is Zero?
    • To Binary, To Fixed, To Fraction, To Precision, To Exponential, To JSON, To Nearest.
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