
A Computer Vision based project where Classic Snake Game is created in which the snake is controlled by the movement of the dynamic Stylus.

Primary LanguagePython


We will create a virtual drawing pad (VDP) that will track an object for drawing on the screen.


Step 1: Find the HSV upper and the lower range of the object to be tracked using trackbars.
Step 2: Applying filters to reduce noice of the frame.
Step 3: Saving the HSV range of the object to be used further in the code.
Step 4: load the HSV value and capture the video.
Step 5: Read video and apply suitable morphological operations.
Step 6: Find the object’s x,y coordinates to draw on the screen.
Step 8: Detect and track the object with contour detection.

Concepts Required :

1. Image Thersholding
2. Smoothing and filtering
3. Morphological Operations such as Dilation and Erosion
4. Contour Detection


Creating a snake game operated with keys


Step 1: Initialise the game window by declaring window parameters that is height and width.
Step 2: Define functions such as for the score, for snake, for output message and for the main game loop.
Step 3: Inside game loop initiate all the variables such as snake's initial position, bool for game close and game over, length of snake, x and y coordinates of food.
Step 4: Using loop to either continue the game or close the game according to input given.
Step 5: Change the direction of the snake according to LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN keys given as input.
Step 6: Closing the game if touches the hurdle or the game window boundary or itself.
Step 7: Increase length of the snake if it eats the food and then generate the new food at some other position.


The VDP code and snake game code has to be linked


Step 1: Using ROI , take the HSV value of the stylus and average all the values. This is to avoid manually feeding HSV value through trackbars.
Step 2: Define four regions on camera window (LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN).
Step 3: Check if the centroid of the stylus lies inside the region defined.
Step 4: Remove the key part from the snake game code to use stylus.
Step 5: Use the cetroid obtained from contours and pass it to the function used for checking the region.
Step 6: Insert hurdles by defining the wall range in x direction and y direction and build up a logic for closing the game if snake touches the hurdle.
Step 7: In this way stylus gets linked to the snake game.

Concepts Required :

Step 1: Use of ROI and image thresholding
Step 2: pygame concepts

Link to the video of the project

Click here to view the demonstration.