
temporal openvpn connection

Primary LanguagePython


Make and Connect temporal WireGuard VPN server on AWS.

VPN server will be terminated automatically when you disconnect the VPN.

How to Use

This How to Use page is written mainly for Windows users. I expect Linux Users can do it!

1. Common

  1. Install WireGuard. Go to WireGuard installation page and download the Windows installer.
    • if you're a Mac user. try brew install wireguard-tools on terminal
  2. Configure AWS. Go to AWS IAM Users management page and click add user button
    1. 1st page
      1. name: AWS-WIREGUARD
      2. access type: programming type
      3. click Next: Permissions button
    2. 2nd page
      1. click Attach existing policies directly
      2. click Create policy then sub-page will be opened
        1. click JSON
        2. Copy and paste the content of access.txt
        3. click Next button
        4. click Next button
        5. Name: AWS-WIREGUARD
        6. click Create policy button
        7. close the window and go back to original page
      3. click refresh button
      4. find AWS-WIREGUARD policy and check it
      5. click Next: Tags button
    3. 3rd page
      1. click Next: Review button
    4. 4th page
      1. click Create user button
    5. 5th page
      1. click Download .csv button.
      2. ***.csv file will be downloaded. this file contains the secret key to access AWS resource. Do not share/upload secret key.
      3. copy the file into current folder and rename it credentials.csv
    6. Done!
  3. Install Python and Pip. (Use Google!)
  4. open PowerShell(Windows) or Terminal(Linux)
    1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. python3 vpn.py