Operating Systems, Spring 2021


  • Please use your full name in your Github profile.
  • Please make sure to watch this repository ("All Activity" mode). All notices will be announced through this repository.
  • We are using two email accounts for this class. If you need to contact only the TAs, please send an email to os-tas@spl.snu.ac.kr. For submitting assignments, use osspr2021@gmail.com instead.


Office Hours

Professor :

  • Office: Bldg. 302, Rm. 322
  • Tue/Thu 4-5PM, by appointment


If you wish to speak with us during the office hour, send us a brief note via email. We'll reply with the password to the Zoom meeting.

Shared Zoom meeting ID: eight seven zero | eight zero seven zero | nine three seven eight

Chaehyun Jeong:

  • Email: jchch1027 at naver dot com
  • Tue 4:00-5:00PM

Jae-Won Chung:

  • Email: jaewon dot chung dot cs at gmail dot com
  • Mon 3:30-4:30PM

Woosuk Kwon:

  • Email: woosuk dot cs at gmail dot com
  • Wed 3:30-4:30PM