Simple http echo server
This server starts an http listener and gives back some results.
The package seeks two files in the root of the project: bodyStandard.json - what to send as the body headerStandard.json - what to send as the header
-s defines the statuscode to be send
-h show a help page and exit
-p set the listening port for the server
-e use a different headerfile instead of headerStandard.json
-b use a different bodyfile instead of bodyStandard.json
-t set a timespan, that the server waits before responding
-i suppress the information from the caller
if you use yarn you can use the following scripts:
yarn runok - runs with statuscode 200
yarn runfail - runs with statuscode 404
yarn runserverfail - runs with statuscode 500
This tool can be installed as an NPM package. Just use
npm install echohttp -g
to install it globally. After that, there is the command
echohttp -h
Display the help.
echohttp -s 404 -p 8080
Open the http server on port 8080 and always return the statuscode 404.
echohttp -p 8080 -e header.json
Open the server on port 8080 and return the content of header.json as headers.
"Content-Type": "text/json",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"X-Powered-By": "nodeEchoService"
These are the fallback settings. The keys in that kson correspond to the header attribute, the values are the used values for every attribute.