
Suggestions for more tools

nir-zilberman opened this issue · 5 comments

I suggest adding the following:

  1. Meltano by GitLab
  2. dbt by Fishtown Analytics
  3. Singer by StitchData (Talend)
  4. Airbyte
  5. ScyllaDB

Sounds good! Please feel free to send a PR for adding any open-source solutions (i.e. using an OSI-approved license). I'm also happy to add anything under BSL ("Business Source License"), as long as it converts to an OSI-approved license eventually.

I think it is good idea to add more open source tools

Sure thing; PRs welcome!

Message ID: </issues/39/1561867053@>

I have sent you the PR to add dbt by Fishtown Analytics.

MAGE-AI is an wonderful tool that is open source as well as has a wonderful code support compared to airflow.