
Domainr API client for JavaScript + jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Domainr Search Box

Drop-in instant domain search for your site.


Make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed.

Run npm install domainr-search-box to create a local copy of the module.


From the dist/ directory, include domainr-search-box.min.js and domainr-search-box.css on your page.

Add an empty div underneath your input; the Domainr Search Box will fill it with results.

To authenticate, use the API for free via RapidAPI with your RapidAPI API key, or contact us regarding high-volume usage.

Plain JavaScript

var box = new domainr.SearchBox({
    mashapeKey: yourRapidAPIKey, // your RapidAPI API key
    // clientId: yourClientId, // your high-volume clientId; not needed if using RapidAPI
    observe: yourInputElement,
    renderTo: yourResultsElement,
    onSelect: function(result) { ... }


    mashapeKey: yourRapidAPIKey, // your RapidAPI API key
    clientId: yourClientId, // or alternatively your Client ID; not needed if using RapidAPI
    renderTo: yourResultsElementOrSelector,
    onSelect: function(result) { ... }


Plain JavaScript


Create a domainr.SearchBox with new domainr.SearchBox(options). The options argument is an object with the following possible properties:

  • clientId: Either this or mashapeKey are required.
  • mashapeKey: Either this or clientId are required.
  • observe: The DOM element to observe.
  • renderTo: The DOM element to contain the rendered autocomplete.
  • renderWith: A function that will render the autocomplete. It will receive a state object.
  • limit: A number for the max number of results to display. Optional; default = 20.
  • registrar: Registrar or Registry domain name, to limit search results to domains supported by a registrar or registry. e.g. namecheap.com or donuts.co
  • defaults: Include the given default zones (an array of strings) in your search, e.g. ["coffee", "cafe", "organic"]. Results will be sorted according to the order of this array.
  • searchDelay: How many milliseconds after keyboard entry before the search is made (to avoid redundant network traffic). Optional; default = 250.
  • onSelect: An optional function to be called when the user selects a domain (if omitted, a new window will open with a recommended registrar for that result). Receives a single object with these properties:
    • domain
    • host
    • path
    • registerURL
    • status
    • subdomain
    • zone


Create a domainr.Client with new domainr.Client(options). The options argument is an object with the following possible properties:

  • clientId: Either this or mashapeKey are required.
  • mashapeKey: Either this or clientId are required.
  • baseURL: Optional.

The domainr.Client has the following methods:

  • search(params, callback): Search with the given params and call the callback with the results upon completion. The params argument is an object with the following possible properties:
    • defaults: Comma-delimited string, e.g. coffee,cafe,organic
    • location: String, e.g. de
    • query: String.
    • registrar: String, e.g. namecheap.com or donuts.co
  • status(domains, callback): Call the status API with the given domains (an array) and call the callback with the results upon completion.
  • options(domain, callback): Call the options API with the given domain (a string) and call the callback with the results upon completion.
  • zones(callback): Call the zones API and call the callback with the results upon completion.
  • registerURL(domain, options): Returns a URL for registering the given domain (a string). The options parameter is an object; currently one property is accepted, registrar, to specify a specific registrar.


Select the element you want to observe and call .domainrSearchBox(options) on it. Possible options include:

  • clientId: Either this or mashapeKey are required.
  • mashapeKey: Either this or clientId are required.
  • renderTo: Specification for which element to contain the rendered autocomplete. Can be anything jQuery will accept (selector, element, jQuery object).
  • renderWith: A function that will render the autocomplete. It will receive a state object.
  • limit: A number for the max number of results to display. Optional; default = 20.
  • registrar: Registrar or Registry domain name, to limit search results to domains supported by a registrar or registry. e.g. namecheap.com or donuts.co
  • defaults: Include the given default zones (an array of strings) in your search, e.g. ["coffee", "cafe", "organic"]. Results will be sorted according to the order of this array.
  • searchDelay: How many milliseconds after keyboard entry before the search is made (to avoid redundant network traffic). Optional; default = 250.
  • onSelect: An optional function to be called when the user selects a domain (if omitted, a new window will open with a recommended registrar for that result). Receives a single object with these properties:
    • domain
    • host
    • path
    • registerURL
    • status
    • subdomain
    • zone


You'll need to have Node and Gulp installed.

  • npm install -g gulp to install Gulp.
  • npm install to install dependencies
  • gulp build to build the code.
  • gulp watch to watch the code, building on changes.
    • note: console output will appear when files are changed
  • gulp builds + watch, and runs the demo in a webpage.

Publishing new versions

  • Always increment the version
  • npm whoami to see your current npm user
  • npm publish to publish it

Note that the demo requires the code to be built. Also, you'll need to get a mashapeKey or clientId and set up a config.js; instructions are in index.html.

© 2018 nb.io, LLC