
A simple restaurant API made with Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Sukab Restaurant

The name Sukab is taken from the fictional character made by famous Indonesian Poet, Seno G. Ajidarma.

System Design

High level overview

There are three entities in this app: Table, Order and Menu.

A Table represents one customer, it might hold additional metadata that enrich the customer experience. However, for simplicity's sake, Table in this app will only be represented as table_number.

An Order represents a unique request from Table, it holds information about which Menu is chosen, it also hold information on how long the cook_time as minutes, to simplify, cook_time is a random time between 5 to 15 minutes, to simplify, an Order can only hold one quantity of a Menu.

A Table might have one or more Order. An Order in a Table may be canceled (deleted).

A Menu represents the metadata about food/beverage, it acts as a master data which Order can reference via menu_id.

flowchart TD
    A[Restaurant Staff] -->|Uses| X[Client App]
    X -->|Call API| B(Create Order)
    X -->|Call API| C(List Order)
    X -->|Call API| CA(Get Order Detail)
    X -->|Call API| D(Delete Order)
    B -->|Insert| F(PostgreSQL Database)
    C -->|Select| F
    CA -->|Select One| F
    D -->|Delete| F

Systems and Interactions are represented as the following diagram. However, a Load Balancer is left out from the actual implementation because it can be done later in a different layer (for example: Kubernetes service).

Server Instance will manage a pool of database connections that has a configurable maximum number of connections, so that it can be efficient in reusing idle connections, and to prevent resource exhaustion on PostgreSQL side. Moreover, we can also apply additional pgbouncer layer if needed.

To offload the traffic that might came to PostgreSQL database as our traffic increases, in later iterations a distributed caching layer such as using Redis might be implemented. Alternatively, we can also implement multi-layer caching with the first layer being in-memory cache and Redis database as the secondary layer.

flowchart TD
    A1[Client App 1] -->|Call API| B[Load Balancer]
    A2[Client App 2] -->|Call API| B
    A3[Client App X] -->|Call API| B
    B --> E{Pick best instance}
    E -->|Route traffic| C1[Server Instance 1]
    E -->|Route traffic| C2[Server Instance 2]
    E -->|Route traffic| C3[Server Instance X]
    C1 -->|Interact| F(PostgreSQL Database)
    C2 -->|Interact| F
    C3 -->|Interact| F


I chose to store the orders and menu to a RDBMS, specifically PostgreSQL. RDBMS was chosen because the requirement of the system is simple enough to be represented as tables with simple columns and primitive data types.

There are two tables that plays their role in the solution:

orders table:

Column Name Type Description
order_id bigserial Identifier and Primary Key.
menu_id integer Reference to menus table.
table_number integer Table that owns this Order.
cook_time integer How long should this take? In minutes.
created_at timestamptz Timestamp when this Order was placed.

Index for orders table (other than PK):

  • orders_table_number_order_id_index, composite index from two columns table_number and order_id, this index will be useful for the usecase Delete Order.
  • Additional index may be added later, for example, a table_number index might be added to make usecase List Order to be more performant.

menus table:

Column Name Type Description
menu_id bigserial Identifier and Primary Key.
name varchar(300) Name of the Menu.

Code Architecture

I follow a simple but modular arch to make sure each component is having clear responsibility, so that the code is maintainable and extensible for future product evolution.

flowchart TD
    X[fn main] -->|Initializes| A
    X -->|Initializes| T
    A[[Conn Pool]]
    C[Repository] -->|Get connection| A
    A -->|Manages long-lived conn to| D[PostgreSQL]
    U[Endpoint Handler] -->|Accesses| C
    T[[Actix Web Framework]] -->|Manages low-level async HTTP server| U

Interfacing via HTTP REST endpoints

There are four HTTP REST endpoints:

Method Path Description
POST /table/{table_number}/order Create new Order.
GET /table/{table_number}/order List all Orders on a Table.
GET /table/{table_number}/order/{order_id} Describe an Order on a Table.
DELETE /table/{table_number}/order/{order_id} Delete an Order on a Table.

How to Run the tests

Run: cargo test.

How to Run the Server

  1. Spin up a PostgreSQL server, a minimum version of PostgreSQL 14 is required.
  2. Import the schema and data from the ./src/db/schema/sukab-restaurant.sql file. This file will create:
    • Database sukab_restaurant,
    • Table orders,
    • Table menus.
    • Seed data for menus table.
  3. Build the app, run cargo build --release
  4. Set these environment variables:
    export PG_HOST=localhost
    export PG_USER=<your_user>
    export PG_PWD=<your_pwd>
  5. Run the app by executing this command in the terminal: ./target/release/server.

How to Run the Client

  1. Make sure the Server is running, if not, follow the guide above.
  2. Run the app by executing this command in the terminal: ./target/release/client.

Appendix 1: Environment Variables

Server Env Vars

Key Description Required Default
RUST_LOG env_logger log level/verbosity. No debug
HTTP_HOST Host for the HTTP server No localhost
HTTP_PORT Port for the HTTP server. No 8080
PG_HOST PostgreSQL host address. Yes localhost
PG_PORT PostgreSQL port. Yes 5432
PG_USER PostgreSQL username. Yes postgres
PG_PWD PostgreSQL password. Yes <empty_string>
PG_DBNAME PostgreSQL database name. No sukab_restaurant
COOK_TIME_MIN Minimum bound to get randomized Cook Time. No 5
COOK_TIME_MAX Maximum bound to get randomized Cook Time. No 15

Client Env Vars

Key Description Required Default
RUST_LOG env_logger log level/verbosity. No debug
SERVER_BASE_URL Base URL for the Server No http://localhost:8080
CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT Controls how many threads to spawn to send requests. No 10