A rudimentary, simple, and hopefully easy to understand chess engine.
- Board and gameplay are pretty-printed
- Human vs. Computer and Computer vs. Computer games can be played/observed
- Pre-initialized boards from strings can be passed in
- Evaluates using piece value and positional reasoning
- Castling, en passant, and pawn promotions are NOT handled
- Handle castling, en passant, and pawn promotion
- Correctly profile move evalution code, logic, and functions
- Clean up move generation code (maybe?)
- Clean up positional reasoning code
Create a game manager that handles two-player games -
Allow passing in initial board configs as strings to be automatically converted -
Use a smarter board-heuristic based on move instead of recalculating for whole board
- Clone / download this repository.
- Run the
file with Python 3 to quickly play a game against the engine.
The primary interface will be GameManager
or ChessGame
which allows for game creation and management.
Note that colors are represented as follows:
white = 10
black = 20
import GameManager
game = GameManager.HumanvAIGame(10) # Human player is white
game.play() # Will play an interactive game in the CLI
# Initialize with different "difficulty" levels (max game-tree evaluation)
game = GameManager.AIvAIGame(whiteMaxDepth=2, blackMaxDepth=3)
# Play one computer move each
# Play 7 computer moves each, supressing board output
game.playNMove(7, printBoards=False)
# Play against each other until game finished, printing boards and move choices
game = GameManager.AIvAIGame(whiteMaxDepth=2, blackMaxDepth=3)
# Play 20 entire games from start to finish, displaying win/loss statistics once completed
# Warning, can be very slow if choosing moves takes a while (if maxDepth is high)
import ChessGame
player = 20 # Set active player for this ChessGame view as black
# Create initial board configuration as a string, {upper-case: white, lower-case: black, dash: empty}
# Only requirement is that it MUST contain two opposing kings
board = ('r n - q k b n -'
'- p - p p p p p'
'b - - - - - - r'
'- - - - - - - -'
'- - - P - - Q -'
'P - - - - - - -'
'- P P - P - P P'
'R - B - K - N -')
# Create game, passing in active player and initial board string
game = ChessGame.ChessGame(player, initBoard=board)
# Find best move, searching game-tree 3 levels deep
bestMove = game.getMove(maxDepth=3)
# Make the found best move, changing current board state
# Pretty print current game board