
Organize your experiments using yaml and wandb

Primary LanguagePython

Organize your experiments using YAML and wandb: a Tutorial


source init.sh

Why wandb

  1. online Tensorboard, check your results in running on different machines anytime anywhere through a single website



  2. Monitor the resourse usage easily. Such thing is automatically supported by wandb.


  3. retrieve the code easily (git checkout)


  4. download the checkpoint file or anyfile you saved before online



  1. clean the arguments (just need one line of argument! )


  2. Easy hyper-parameters configuration (a hierachical organization)


  3. human readable, and automatically supports desired data types

    model:  # an object called model.
      name: assanet # ASSA-Net. THIS IS HOW YOU COMMENT BY #
      width: 0
      depth: 2  # you can access this value by: model.depth
      in_channel: 4
        type: &type ReLU  # you can use ampersand to anchor one variable
        # *YAML will take care of the data type by itself*
        npoints: [4096, 1152, 304, 88]  # a list of int
        radius: [[0.1, 0.2], [0.2, 0.4], [0.4, 0.8], [0.8, 1.6]]  # a list of float list.
        nsample: [[16, 32], [16, 32], [16, 32], [16, 32]] # a list of int list
        sample_method: fps
        mlps: [[[16, 16, 32], [32, 32, 64]],
               [[64, 64, 128], [64, 96, 128]],
               [[128, 196, 256], [128, 196, 256]],
               [[256, 256, 512], [256, 384, 512]]]
          feature_type: assa  # this is a string
          reduction: "mean" # this is also a string
          type: 'preconv' # this is also a string
          pre_res: True # residual connetion in PreConv layer. this is a Bool type
          post_res: True  # residual connetion in PostConv layer
          layers: 3   # layers = layers of PreConv (before aggregation) + layers of PostConv (after aggregation)
          post_layers: 1  # number of PostConv layers
            method: ball_query
            normalize_xyz: True
            method: conv1d
            use_bn: True
               type: *type # in this way, you can make the value of this variable to be the same as the anchor value
  4. Easily change the default parameters, e.g.:

    python function/main_s3dis_dist.py  --cfg cfgs/s3dis/assanet.yaml optimizer.lr 0.02 model.width 128 model.depth 3

How to use YAML

  1. Write the general default.yaml for all the experiments

    local_rank: 0
    load_path: null # none
    rng_seed: 0
    mode: train # or test
    logname: null # none
    expname: null
    expid: null
      use_wandb: False
      project: ASSA-Net  # name of the wandb project
      entity: null
  2. write a default.yaml for experiments for the given dataset

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # data augmentation
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
      datasets: 's3dis'
      data_root: './data'
      input_features_dim: 4
      num_classes: 13
      num_points: 15000
      in_radius: 2.0
      x_angle_range: 0.0
      y_angle_range: 0.0
      z_angle_range: 3.1415926
      scale_low: 0.7
      scale_high: 1.3
      noise_std: 0.001
      noise_clip: 0.05
      translate_range: 0.0
      color_drop: 0.2
        - 1
        - 0
        - 0
      sampleDl: 0.04
      num_steps: 2000  # number of spheres for one training epoch.
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Training options
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    batch_size: 8 # batch size Per GPU
    num_workers: 6
    print_freq: 10
    save_freq: 100
    val_freq: 10
    epochs: 600
    start_epoch: 1
    warmup_epoch:  -1
      name: 'step'  # step,cosine
      decay_steps: 1
      decay_rate: 0.9885531
      on_epoch: True
      name: 'sgd'
      weight_decay: 0.001
      momentum: 0.98
      lr: 0.01  # for 1 GPU and batch size 8. have to manually change when increase the number of GPUs or Batch size.
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # logging
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    log_dir: './log/s3dis'
      project: tutorial-yaml-wandb  # name of the wandb project
      entity: guocheng-qian  # *will automatically merge with the parent yaml*
  3. write the specific configuration file for a mode/experiment, e.g., cfgs/s3dis/assanet.yaml

How to use wandb

Please check yaml_wandb_example.py for details, basically you do the following:

  1. first, create an account in wandb, and install the environment

  2. add three lines in main file (eg. yaml_wandb_example.py):

    from utils.wandb Wandb
    Wandb.launch(config, config.wandb.use_wandb)
    summary_writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=config.log_dir)
  3. the main part in utils.wandb.py file (which you do not have to change normally) is just one line of code.

    wandb.init(**wandb_args, sync_tensorboard=True)  # this is the core command to init wandb. It sync everything of tensorboard and logging output to wandb
  4. save any file you want simply by:

  5. run the main file by:

    python yaml_wandb_example.py --cfg cfgs/s3dis/assanet.yaml wandb.entity xxxxx wandb.use_wandb True

    xxxx is your wandb account

  6. now, go to your project page in wandb, you should be able to see this run of your experiment

An example

python yaml_wandb_example.py wandb.entity xxxxx wandb.use_wandb True

Other materials for further reading

  1. YAML tutorial on Youtube

  2. wandb for PyTorch Tutorial

  3. The official documents