- 0
FilmTrust link on wiki has a incorrect readme.
#355 opened by max-hill-4 - 1
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
#330 opened by iDimple - 1
api 文档都查看不了
#346 opened by RichardLiu0926 - 0
这个库不维护了吗? 文档挂了,看不了
#352 opened by Junesui - 2
Broken Link
#340 opened by drorhunvural - 1
Test Smell: it is not a good practice to use the random number generators in test code
#350 opened by TestSmell - 2
Error message "the return value of "net.librec.recommender.RecommenderContext.getSimilarity()" is null" on itemknn
#347 opened by samiravaez - 0
A Simple Research Study about Librec
#344 opened by liuyuxy - 0
How can I get predict values in train set?
#342 opened by lcwy220 - 0
How to use valmatrix to select model?
#335 opened by wave-zuo - 0
Can't access to the documentation
#332 opened by AdamFonagy - 1
#331 opened by tangjing1989 - 1
#311 opened by winwill2012 - 0
- 0
problem with new algorithm implementation
#307 opened by elikary - 0
AoBPR Implementation Typo of P(f|c)
#328 opened by AaronHeee - 0
The RMSE does not change even if I give no trust data to TrustSVD, TrustMf
#327 opened by aashishkolluri - 0
How can I change the value of predicted ratings
#326 opened by h4y4h0o - 2
- 1
hello, I can't access the chinese Librec document , if there any thing wrong? here is website :
#321 opened by qiqiding - 0
- 0
#320 opened by MEICRS - 0
#318 opened by ermingzhang - 0
#316 opened by hegongshan - 0
Recommender 中无train方法
#315 opened by meiyingqishi - 0
#314 opened by meiyingqishi - 1
Modifying java document doesn't work.
#310 opened by Zhuoyi-Lin - 0
What is the reason for ExceptionInInitializerError when compiling librec3.0.0?
#309 opened by tpccctv - 0
how sort ratings SparseVector by date
#308 opened by NimaJoorabloo - 0
- 2
ArrayOutOfBounds exception with ItemKNN
#305 opened by diarmuidmorgan - 0
Recall on timeSVD
#304 opened by shainaraza - 0
Execute TensorRecommender on "text" format data
#302 opened by ChenglongMa - 0
- 0
- 2
- 2
Incremental / online training
#296 opened by Rabrg - 1
#295 opened by fulus06 - 1
Problems to reproduce results
#293 opened by noemi-mauro - 1
chage data.convert.binarize.threshold
#294 opened - 11
- 1
TrustMF, dataAppender not working
#288 opened by fily1212 - 2
A possible mistake in Wiki
#291 opened by JillWen - 2
- 2
Log Likelihood Similarity
#289 opened by stiv-yakovenko - 1
- 2
Suspicious bug within may lead to print incorrect results
#285 opened by clark021125 - 1
Unnecessary commented out for loop statement
#279 opened by kayforkaran - 1
Unused commented out code.
#282 opened by kayforkaran - 1
How to reproduce the generated results?
#281 opened by Ermeimei