Have to admit that it's not easy to deploy a spark standalone cluster totally successfully on docker, because of so many parametres to which we have to pay attention. Here, I will show you how to create a docker compose file for spark cluster manually and then how to run it and test it with a spark streaming application.
I have made a simple example of a spark cluster with 4 nodes. One is for zookeeper, one is for kafka, one is for spark master and the last one is for spark worker. The number of spark worker is scalable. We just need to add some spark workers as services in docker-compose.yml.
I will begin from the dockerfiles in different components, then docker-compose.yml and then the test of the cluster by deploying an application.
Since there is zookeeper in kafka_2.11-, we will use the inside zookeeper to ensure the compatibility with kafka. Here is the Dockerfile. We just need to implement a java environment to before
In this Dockerfile, We will use the same kafka package kafka_2.11- and we will write the same docker code as the docker file for zookeeper except that we will add several commands to start kafka (Actually we need to start zookeeper firstly, so we'll add the start command for zookeeper in docker-compose.yml).
Since our object is to run a spark streaming applicaion which is a sbt project on a spark cluster, we need to install the environments of java, scala, sbt, spark and spark streaming for a cluster node in this Dockerfile. Due to the problem our user interface written in python, we have to add spark applications and data to the master node via this file.
We have the same Dockerfile as spark master except that we don't add spark applications and data to the node.
This is a vital part, because the cluster might not work if we don't configure some very important parametres.
With this docker-compose.yml, we want to make a four-node spark standalone cluster of which one is for zookeeper, one is for kafka, one is for spark master and one is for spark worker. So we have created 4 servces in docker-compose.yml.
As you can see, we have defined an order for constructing this cluster step by step by using the key word links. Firstly, we need to build the image of the linked services. In docker-compose.yml, spark master linked by spark worker links kafka; spark worker links spark master and kafka; kafka links zookeeper. Therefore, the order to build the images of different components of this cluster is :
1). zookeeper
2). kafka
3). spark master
4). spark worker
To build an image for zookeeper, we need to specify the path of zookeeper's Dockerfile. Defining a hostname for a service will facilitate the access to it. Then we specify the default port 2181 for zookeeper and add a command :
bash -c "kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh kafka/config/zookeeper.properties && sleep 5s"
which will start the zookeeper service when the zookeeper container is running.
For kafka, we add links to indicate that to run a kafka, it's necessary to run a zookeeper firstly. The default port of kafka is 9092. Since we are in a cluster mode and we only have one kafka broker in our cluster, we will define KAFKA_BROKER_ID as 0. the KAFKA_HOST_NAME is the ip of this container. Since the kafka container will take the second place and the first container will use, the ip of kafka is certainly It's not necessary to specify KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT. We connect kafka and zookeeper by defining KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT with
The command:
spark/bin/spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master -h spark-master
declares that this service will be used as spark master. And spark://spark-master:7077
defines the host address of the master.
By default, port 7077 is for master and we need to submit our application to this port; the port for your application's dashboard is 4040; 8042 is the port for management web UI of Hadoop node; 8080 is the port for master web UI and 8088 is the port for Hadoop cluster web UI.
spark/bin/spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker spark://spark-master:7077
declares this service as spark worker of the spark master spark://spark-master:7077. 8081 is the web UI port of this worker.
Go into this project where you can find docker-compose.yml.
docker-compose up -d
You will see the results as follows
which means that the 4 containers have been created and are running.
At this moment, zookeeper and kafka have been started. What we need to do is to create a topic:
docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps -q kafka) kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic S-1i
In our example, the topic is "S-1i".
Copy our applications and data ito the spark worker container (if you don't need an user interface,
do the following commands. But before, spark master and spark worker should share the same Dockerfile
without adding data and applications)
docker cp kafkaConsumer.jar cluster_spark-worker_1:/usr/local/kafkaConsumer.jar
docker cp kafkaProducer.jar cluster_spark-worker_1:/usr/local/kafkaProducer.jar
docker cp lubm.nt cluster_spark-worker_1:/usr/local/lubm.nt
Submit a kafka consumer application to the cluster. The application will count the number of RDF triples received every second and it takes the broker address, the topic and the number of partitions as parametres.
docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps -q spark-master) spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --class sparkStreaming.Receiver kafkaConsumer.jar S-1i 1
Launch the kafka producer application to send RDF triples to kafka. It takes the data file path, the broker address, the topic and the number of partitions as parametres.
docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps -q spark-master) java -jar kafkaProducer.jar lubm.nt S-1i 1
The output result in the comsumer terminal is :
This is the web UI of the master node:
In this page we can see that there is a worker in this cluster and there is also a running application which is the kafka consumer.
Here is the worker web UI:
And here is the application web UI:
To stop our running containers, there are two ways:
docker-compose stop
will just stop running containers, and
docker-compose down
will stop running containers and then delete them.