
Easy way to download files with Qt QML and C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Easy way to download files with Qt QML and C++


  • Asynchronous downloads
  • Supports Qt URL schemes (http, https, ftp, custom)
  • Uses QSaveFile = no corrupt or partial file downloads.
  • Possible to set custom NetworkAccessManager via C++
  • Self-register QML type. Plug'n'play.



Setup qpm as described in the Usage for App Developers section

qpm install com.blackgrain.qml.quickdownload

Manual install


cd /path/to/projects
git clone git@github.com:Larpon/QuickDownload.git

Open quickdownload.pro in QtCreator and build. The result should be a *.so plugin file.


Clone from github

cd /path/to/your/qt/project/vendor/folder
git clone git@github.com:Larpon/QuickDownload.git

Include quickdownload.pri in your projects .pro file

include(<path to extensions/vendor folder>/QuickDownload/quickdownload.pri)

NOTE quickdownload.pri auto-register the QML type Download via the Q_CORE_STARTUP_FUNCTION macro.


import QtQuick 2.0
import com.blackgrain.qml.quickdownload 1.0

Item {

    Download {
        id: download1

        url: "http://placehold.it/350x150"
        destination: "file:///tmp/test.png"

        running: true

        followRedirects: true
        onRedirected: console.log('Redirected',url,'->',redirectUrl)

        onStarted: console.log('Started download',url)
        onError: console.error(errorString)
        onProgressChanged: console.log(url,'progress:',progress)
        onFinished: console.info(url,'done')


    Download {
        id: download2

        url: "ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/5MB.zip"
        destination: "file:///tmp/QuickDownload_test.zip"

        overwrite: true
        running: !download1.running

        onStarted: console.log('Started download',url)
        onError: console.error(errorString)
        onProgressChanged: console.log(url,'progress:',progress)
        onFinished: console.info(url,'done')

    Download {
        id: download3

        url: "ftp://demo:password@test.rebex.net/readme.txt"
        destination: "file:///tmp/QuickDownload_test_readme.txt"

        overwrite: true
        running: true

        onStarted: console.log('Started download',url)
        onError: console.error(errorString)
        onProgressChanged: console.log(url,'progress:',progress)
        onFinished: console.info(url,'done')
