
all code for numerical recipes report two

Primary LanguagePython

Numerical Recipes Code for Report 2 - Calum Henning

The python script 'MLL.py' carries out a Maximum Likelihood fit to the supplied data held in 'DecayTimesData.txt'
and calculates the associated errors in the values.

    It can be run using the command:                'python MLL.py DecayTimesData.txt'
(alternatively if the argument text file is changed, the program can fit to other data, e.g. data from a simulation)
Plots of NLL versus varying parameter values are also made.


The python script 'MLLbox.py' generates simulated data for the parameters calculated in the previous code and
calculates the associated errors in the values.

    It can be run using the command:                'python MLLbox.py'

Plots of NLL versus varying parameter values are also made.


A few other scripts and files are present purely for self convenience or are output files from the main scripts:
    Plot.py     <dataFile.txt>              -  generates a histogram plot of the data file 
    maxVal.py   <dataFile.txt>              -  returns maximum and minimum values in data file
    DecayTimesData.txt                      -  contains the supplied data set of decay times
    run.cmd                                 -  contains the commands required to run the main scripts - if using 
                                               windows double click to run them for convenience
O   generated_data.txt                      -  contains values generated from running MLLbox.py
O   experiment_plot_<0,1 or 2>.png          -  output plot of NLL versus varying parameter. 0,1,2 values represent 
                                               fraction1, tau1,tau2 were parameter that was varied
O   sim_plot_vars_<number>_<0,1 or 2>.png   -  output plot of NLL versus varying parameter. 0,1,2 values again 
                                               represent fraction1, tau1,tau2 were parameter that was varied, number 
                                               is the value of this parameter
O = file is a generated output file

All code written and used in this project can be found here: https://github.com/chenning17/numrepReportTwo