
MCMC, Differential Evolution Markov Chain, Ensemble Kalman filter, Approximate Bayesian Computing-Population Monte Carlo, and modeling averaging methods in Matlab.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Optimizer tools written in Matlab. Including MCMC, DEMC, Ensemble Kalman filter, Approximate Bayesian Computing-Population Monte Carlo, and modeling averaging methods. Most of the algorithms are based on class CEE 290 taught by Prof. Jasper A. Vrugt @ UCI.

All input and output of functions are single structures with multiple fields. Same field names were used across different functions and can be piped together for testing purpose.


function DEMC

Differential Evolution / Differential Evolution Markov Chain. In the case of 'DE', this function also plot a figure for the objective function of all generations.

Input fields
  • func : evaluation (objective) function.
  • bound : 2 X n matrix, where n is the parameter dimension. Lower (first row) and upper(second row) bounds of parameter.
  • size : size of population.
  • life : maximum generation of population.
  • funcPrior :(optional) prior distribution function to generate first generation. Default is uninformative prior within bounds.
  • type :(optional) 'DE' or 'DEMC'. The former seek the global minimum, the later maps the posterior. Default is 'DEMC'.
  • greedy :(optional) logical scalar, faster convergence but less stable. Breaks detailed balance and should not be used with 'DEMC'.
  • logFlag :(optional) logical scalar, use log liklihood or not. Default is 'false'.
  • mutation :(optional) scalar, mutation rate.
  • CR :(optional) scalar, crossover rate.
  • simplex :(optional) 1 X n logical maxtrix. 'true' specifies the parameters that should be positive and sum up to 1.
  • name :(optional) name of output figure. Default 'DEMCtest'.
Output fields
  • chain : population at each generation.
  • obj : evaluation (objective) function value at each generation.
  • best : best individual at last generation.

function MCMC

Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Random-Walk Metropolis.

Input fields

One of 'loc', 'funcPrior', 'bound'(in descending priority) must be specified.

  • life : length of Markov Chain.
  • func : liklihood function. Calculates the liklihood from parameter.
  • funcProp : (optional) proposal distribution function. Make new proposal
  • according to parameter. Default is normal distribution with sigma = 1.
  • loc : (optional) initial parameter.
  • funcPrior : (optional) prior function to generate initial parameter.
  • bound : (optional) 2 X n matrix, where n is the parameter dimension.
  • Lower(first row) and upper(second row) bounds of parameter.
Output fields
  • chain : m X n matrix, where m = length and n = parameter dimension.
  • time : m X 1 matrix, time stamp of each step.
Warning : Using 'bound' might break detailed balance and result in gibberish posterior. Not recommended.

function EnKF

Ensemble Kalman filter. Updated forecast and analysis states using observation and ensemble Kalman filter.

Input fields
  • R : measurement error (sigma).
  • Fstates : forecast states. 1 X n matrix, n = number of state
  • Astates : analysis states. 1 X n matrix.
  • obs : observation states. Scaler.
  • func : model operator, from current state to next state.

The same structue with updated Fstates and Astates, as well as estimation of model error (C).

function ModAv

Multi-model averaging function. Supported methods:

  • EWA : Equal Weights Averaging
  • BGA : Bates-Granger Averaging
  • AICA : Akaike's Information Criterion Averaging
  • BICA : Bayes Information Criterion Averaging
  • GRA : Granger-Ramanathan Averaging
  • BMA : Bayesian Model Averaging
  • MMA : Mallows Model Averaging
  • MMAd : Mallows Model Averaging (lie on simplex)
Input fields
  • Xcali : m1 X n model prediction matrix for calibration period. m1 = time
  • length of calibration period, n = model number.
  • Ycali : m1 X 1 observation matrix for calibration period.
  • Xeval : m2 X n model prediction matrix for evaluation period.
  • Yeval : m2 X 1 observation matrix for evaluation period.
  • p : 1 X n matrix of model parameter numbers.
  • method : abbreviation of method.
Output fields
  • weight : model weights.
  • RMSEcali : RMSE of calibration period.
  • RMSEeval : RMSE of evaluation period.
  • chain : (BMA, MMA and MMAd) model weights in all iterations.
  • obj : (BMA, MMA and MMAd) objective function value for all iterations.
  • sigma : (BMA) optimized model sigma.
Warning: Method BMA could be slow and unstable.

function ABCPMC

Approximate Bayesian Computing-Population Monte Carlo method.

Input fields
  • obs : 1 X d, d = dimension of target
  • bound : 2 X n matrix, where n is the parameter dimension. Lower
  • (first row) and upper(second row) bounds of parameter.
  • funcPrior : prior distribution function to generate parameter.
  • funcSummar : function to model target from parameter.
  • funcDist : function to calculate distance between modeled and observed
  • target.
  • epsl : 1 X i epsilon matrix, where i is the number of generations.
  • size : population size


The same strucuture with extra fields.

  • inds : individuals (parameters) for all generations.
  • summar : modeled target at all generations.
  • weight : weight matrix for all generations.
  • C : Covariance matrix for all geneations.
  • acRate : overall acceptance rate.

Minimal Working Example

For DEMC and MCMC:

%% Finding global minimum with DE

% Test function: 2d Ackley's function
pop.func = @(x) -20*exp(-.2*sqrt(.5*sum(x.^2)))...
pop.bound = [-5,-5;5,5];

% Setup the DE settings
pop.size = 50; pop.life = 200; pop.type = 'DE';
result = DEMC(pop); 
disp(['Global minimum from DE: ' num2str(result.best)])

%% Mapping posterior with MCMC and DEMC

% Test function: wide spread mixture of two normal distributions: 1/3 of
% N(-5,1) and 2/3 of N(5,1). We expect a mean of 1.67 and a std of 4.82
pop.func = @(x) 1/3*normpdf(x,-5,1)+2/3*normpdf(x,5,1);
pop.bound = [-100;100]+1.67;

% Using DEMC. It should be able to sample both peaks.
pop.type = 'DEMC'; pop.life = 1500;
result = DEMC(pop); burnt = result.chain(pop.life/2:end,:);
disp(['Mean estimated by DEMC: ' num2str(mean(burnt(:)))])
disp(['Std estimated by DEMC: ' num2str(std(burnt(:)))])

% Using MCMC. It should only be able to sample one peak (-5 or 5).
pop.life = 10000; pop.loc = 0;
result = MCMC(pop); burnt = result.chain(pop.life/2:end,:);
disp(['Mean estimated by MCMC: ' num2str(mean(burnt))])
disp(['Std estimated by MCMC: ' num2str(std(burnt))])