
Gurl is a performance testing tool. The supported protocols are http, websocket, tcp. Of course, it also supports access in non-bench mode. gurl是性能测试工具,支持的协议有http, websocket,tcp。当然也支持非bench模式下的访问

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Build Status


gurl 是http, websocket bench工具和curl的继承者


  • 多协议支持http, websocket
  • 支持curl常用命令行选项
  • 支持压测模式,可以根据并发数和线程数,也可以根据持续时间,也可以指定每秒并发数压测http, websocket, tcp服务
  • url 支持简写
  • 支持管道模式


env GOPATH=`pwd` go get -u github.com/guonaihong/gurl/

gurl 主命令选项

http 子命令

guonaihong https://github.com/guonaihong/gurl

Usage of gurl:
  -A, --user-agent string
    	Send User-Agent STRING to server (default "gurl")
  -F, --form string[]
    	Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) (default [])
  -H, --header string[]
    	Pass custom header LINE to server (H) (default [])
  -I, --input-model
    	open input mode
  -J string[]
    	Turn key:value into {"key": "value"})
  -Jfa string[]
    	Specify HTTP multipart POST json data (H)
  -Jfa-string string[]
    	Specify HTTP multipart POST json data (H)
  -O, --output-mode
    	open output mode
  -R, --input-read string
    	open input file
  -W, --output-write string
    	open output file
  -X, --request string
    	Specify request command to use
  -ac int
    	Number of multiple requests to make (default 1)
  -an int
    	Number of requests to perform (default 1)
    	Run benchmarks test
  -c, --color
    	Color highlighting
  -connect-timeout string
    	Maximum time allowed for connection
  -conns int
    	Max open idle connections per target host (default 10000)
  -cpus int
    	Number of CPUs to use
  -d, --data string
    	HTTP POST data
    	open debug mode
  -duration string
    	Duration of the test
  -form-string string[]
    	Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) (default [])
  -input-fields string
    	sets the field separator (default " ")
  -l string
    	Listen mode, HTTP echo server
  -m, --merge
    	Combine the output results into the output
  -o, --output string
    	Write to FILE instead of stdout (default "stdout")
  -oflag string
    	Control the way you write(append|line|trunc)
  -q, --query string[]
    	query string
  -r, --read-stream
    	Read data from the stream
  -rate int
    	Requests per second
  -skey, --input-setkey string
    	Set a new name for the default key
  -url string
    	Specify a URL to fetch
  -v, --verbose
    	Make the operation more talkative
  -w, --write-stream
    	Write data from the stream
  -wkey, --write-key string
    	Key that can be write
-F 或 --form

设置form表单, 比如-F text=文本内容,或者-F text=@./从文件里面读取, -F 选项的语义和curl命令一样


和-F 或--form类似,不解释@符号,原样传递到服务端


指定线程数, 开ac个线程, 发送an个请求

gurl http -an 10 -ac 2 -F text=good :1234


http 性能压测

-bench 压测模式,可以对http服务端进行压测,可以和-ac, -an, -duration, -rate 选项配合使用

   gurl http -bench -ac 25 -an 1000000 :1234
   Benchmarking (be patient)
     Completed          100000 requests [2018-08-11 21:58:56.143]
     Completed          200000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:00.374]
     Completed          300000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:03.703]
     Completed          400000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:06.559]
     Completed          500000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:09.201]
     Completed          600000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:11.757]
     Completed          700000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:14.218]
     Completed          800000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:16.639]
     Completed          900000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:19.061]
     Completed         1000000 requests [2018-08-11 21:59:21.451]
     Finished          1000000 requests

   Server Software:        gurl-server
   Server Hostname:        
   Server Port:            1234

   Document Path:          
   Document Length:        0 bytes

   Status Codes:           200:1000000  [code:count]
   Concurrency Level:      10
   Time taken for tests:   28.807 seconds
   Complete requests:      1000000
   Failed requests:        0
   Total transferred:      137000000 bytes
   HTML transferred:       0 bytes
   Requests per second:    34713.37 [#/sec] (mean)
   Time per request:       0.288 [ms] (mean)
   Time per request:       0.029 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
   Transfer rate:          4755.73 [Kbytes/sec] received
   Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
     50%    0.21ms
     66%    0.31ms
     75%    0.38ms
     80%    0.42ms
     90%    0.57ms
     95%    0.66ms
     98%    0.79ms
     99%    0.89ms
    100%    16.45ms

和-bench选项一起使用,可以控制压测时间,支持单位符,ms(毫秒), s(秒), m(分), h(小时), d(天), w(周), M(月), y(年) 也可以混合使用 -duration 1m10s


设置http 连接超时时间。支持单位符,ms(毫秒), s(秒), m(分), h(小时), d(天), w(周), M(月), y(年)



gurl http -bench -ac 25 -an 3000 -rate 3000 :1234
Benchmarking (be patient)
  Completed             300 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:01.625]
  Completed             600 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:01.725]
  Completed             900 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:01.825]
  Completed            1200 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:01.925]
  Completed            1500 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:02.025]
  Completed            1800 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:02.125]
  Completed            2100 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:02.225]
  Completed            2400 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:02.325]
  Completed            2700 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:02.425]
  Completed            3000 requests [2018-08-11 22:02:02.525]
  Finished             3000 requests

Server Software:        gurl-server
Server Hostname:        
Server Port:            1234

Document Path:          
Document Length:        0 bytes

Status Codes:           200:3000  [code:count]
Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   1.000 seconds
Complete requests:      3000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      411000 bytes
HTML transferred:       0 bytes
Requests per second:    3000.08 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       3.333 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.333 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          411.01 [Kbytes/sec] received
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%    0.17ms
  66%    0.18ms
  75%    0.18ms
  80%    0.19ms
  90%    0.21ms
  95%    0.23ms
  98%    0.26ms
  99%    0.31ms
 100%    1.34ms
-d 或 --data

发送http body数据到服务端, 支持@符号打开一个文件, 如果不接@直接把-d后面字符串发送到服务端

  gurl http -d "good" :12345
  gurl http -d "@./file" :12345

-J 拼装json字段到body里面 -J 后面的key和value 会被组装成json字符串发送到服务端. key:value,其中value会被解释成字符串, key:=value,value会被解决成bool或者数字或者小数

  • 普通用法
 ./gurl http -J username:admin passwd:123456 bool_val:=true  int_val:=3 float_val:=0.3 -url
     "bool_val": true,
     "float_val": 0.3,
     "int_val": 3,
     "passwd": "123456",
     "username": "admin"
  • 嵌套用法
./gurl http -J a.b.c.d:=true -J a.b.c.e:=111
  "a": {
    "b": {
      "c": {
        "d:": true,
        "e:": 111

-q 后跟查询字符串, key=val形式

gurl http -X POST -J hello:word startTime:123 endTime:456 -url :8080/test -vc -q appkey=hello world=hello
> POST /test?appkey=hello&world=hello HTTP/1.1
> Accept: */*
> Host:
> User-Agent: gurl

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 12:39:13 GMT
< Content-Length: 50
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

  "endTime": "456",
  "hello": "word",
  "startTime": "123"


./gurl http -Jfa text=DisplayText:good text=Language:cn text2=look:me -F text=good :12345

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text2"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text"



-H 或者 --header

设置http 头,可以指定多个

./gurl http -H "header1:value1" -H "header2:value2" http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port

设置http url的地址, 可以使用简写


-oflag 一般和-o选项配合使用(控制写文件的行为)

  • -oflag append 默认-o的行为是新建文件然后写入,如果开启-ac -an选项,可以使用append肥所有的结果保存到一个文件中
  • -oflag line 如果服务端返回的结果,想使用换行符分隔
    小提示: -oflag 后面的命令可以组合使用 "append|line"的意思是:把服务端的输出追加到某个文本中,并用'\n'分隔符





打开列表文件, 可以使用-input-fields 指定分割符,默认是空格












控制写出的json key





cat url.list


gurl http -I -R url.list -skey "url=rf.col.0" "|" -ac 5 -r -w -merge "{url}" -o "/dev/null" "|" -O -wkey "status_code"


  • 集群模式
  • GUI

websocket 子命令


guonaihong https://github.com/guonaihong/wsurl

Usage of gurl:
  -A, --user-agent string
    	Send User-Agent STRING to server (default "gurl")
  -H, --header string[]
    	Pass custom header LINE to server (H) (default [])
  -I, --input-model
    	open input mode
  -O, --output-mode
    	open output mode
  -R, --input-read string
    	open input file
  -W, --output-write string
    	open output file
  -ac int
    	Number of multiple requests to make (default 1)
  -an int
    	Number of requests to perform (default 1)
    	Run benchmarks test
    	Send binary messages instead of utf-8
    	Send close message
  -duration string
    	Duration of the test
  -fsa, --first-send-after string
    	Wait for the first time before sending
  -input-fields string
    	sets the field separator (default " ")
  -l string
    	Listen mode, websocket echo server
  -ld, --last-packet string
    	The last packet is written to the connection
  -m, --merge
    	Combine the output results into the output
  -o, --output string
    	Write to FILE instead of stdout (default "stdout")
  -p, --packet string[]
    	Data packet to be send per connection
  -r, --read-stream
    	Read data from the stream
  -rate int
    	Requests per second
  -send-rate string
    	How many bytes of data in seconds
  -skey, --input-setkey string
    	Set a new name for the default key
  -url string
    	Specify a URL to fetch
  -w, --write-stream
    	Write data from the stream
  -wkey, --write-key string
    	Key that can be write
-H 或header

设置websocket 的header和http header类似

-p 或 --packet

发送websocket body数据到服务端,支持@符号打开一个文件, 如果不接@直接把-d后面字符串发送到服务端

  wsurl -p "good" :12345
  wsurl -p "@./file" :12345
# 指定每多少ms发多少字节
wsurl -send-rate "8000B/250ms" -url ws://

默认是以text格式作为websocket消息类型, 加上-binary就以text作为消息类型



  wsurl -ld "good" :12345
  wsurl -ld "@./file" :12345



指定线程数, 开ac个线程, 发送an个请求

wsurl -an 10 -ac 2 -F text=good :1234



和-bench选项一起使用,可以控制压测时间,支持单位符,s(秒), m(分), h(小时), d(天), w(周), M(月), y(年), ms(毫秒) 也可以混合使用 -duration 1m10s






压测模式 wsurl -bench -ac 20 -an 10000 -url :33333 -close

Connecting to to ws://
    Opened            1000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:55.987]
    Opened            2000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:56.129]
    Opened            3000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:56.266]
    Opened            4000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:56.409]
    Opened            5000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:56.552]
    Opened            6000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:56.684]
    Opened            7000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:56.835]
    Opened            8000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:56.098]
    Opened            9000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:57.125]
    Opened           10000 connections: [2018-08-23 20:50:57.268]

    Finished 10000 connections

Concurrency Level:        20
Time taken for tests:     1.432677765s
Connected:                10000
Disconnected:             0
Failed:                   0
Total transferred:        0
Total received            0
Requests per second:      6979 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:         716338.883 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:         71.634 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:            0.000 [Kbytes/sec] received

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
    50%    2.00ms
    66%    2.00ms
    75%    3.00ms
    80%    3.00ms
    90%    4.00ms
    95%    6.00ms
    98%    7.00ms
    99%    9.00ms
    100%   21.00ms





打开列表文件, 可以使用-input-fields 指定分割符,默认是空格












控制写出的json key



tcp, udp 子命令用法