Process mining for python

Coursera: Process Mining: Data science in Action
pm4py is a Python library implementing a variety of process mining algorithms.

Directly Follows Graph (DFG): The edge connecting the two events can be embellished with extra information such that how many instances were found to follow this edge or what’s the average time taken per instance to go from e1 to e2.
Heuristic Miner (HM): Find rules that the events follow. More specifically, the algorithm is able to filter out outlier edges and even detect when two events (such as sleepingand snoring) are concurrent.

Week 1

  1. Discovery
  • Alpha Miner
  • Heuristic Miner
  • Inductive Miner
  1. Conformance
  2. Enhancement

Week 2

XES (Extensible Event Stream) Petri Nets

High entropy: degree of uncertainty
Goal: Maximize the information gain
Directly Follows Graph (DFG)-based process map

Week 3