
Eclipse projects of 3D naval battle game

Battle3.0 is the latest version.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Eclipse for Java
  • JOGL 2.1

Download the Jogl2.1 jars at http://jogamp.org/deployment/archive/rc/

The dependency package name is:
Please download jars corresponding to your own system.


  • Copy it to the eclipse workspace, then import it using File->import
Ecplise->File->import->choose your project
  • Installing JOGL
Project-> Add Path-> JOGL2.1


You can find the Main fuction in playground.java

Game Operation

  • Single Play

W S - to move forwards and backwards

Q E A D - to adjust the muzzle angle

F R - to adjust the firing speed

Space bar - to fire

Drag the left and right mouse buttons - to adjust the angle of view

  • Online Battle

This requires a simple P2P connection between the two players.

Both players should open the game client, then the inviter should enter the IP address of the other player to request the connection.


Yang Guo & Liqun Yang

Project Details

As a teamwork project, and as one of the first tasks after learning programming, understanding software engineering is particularly important. After carefully analyzing the key points and difficulties of this development, we decided to abandon the traditional waterfall model and switch to the evolutionary prototype development model. To this end, we have divided the development of the game into three phases.

  • Basic Roaming Edition 1.0

Initially we built the 3d scenes with jogl2 and implemented roaming in the scenes. The implementation was mainly completed by using a "mobile viewpoint". That is, the viewpoint corresponded with the coordinates of the player, thereby forming first-person perspective similar to Counter-Strike.

Subsequently, the shell and gravity acceleration were implemented in the 1.5 version, and the Weaponcontrol class was completed, so that the player can freely roam and fire in the scene. This version is for experiments, mainly in experimenting all methods of jogl2, and some applications of Computer Graphics.

  • AI Battle Edition 2.0

In this version, in order to make the game have some preliminary playability, we perfected most of the details, including the game background (using textures, low memory consumption, and good results), water ripples, waves, etc. At the same time, a fine AI was designed to show the true naval battle scene as perfectly as possible. The 2.2 version perfected the operation class--Eventlistener.The mouse and the keyboard are used together to solve the drawbacks of the java self-listener, making the interaction with the player smooth and natural.

  • Network Battle Integration Edition 3.0

We finally planned to implement online battle in version 3.0. Whilst the game is not yet fully complete, at least there is a basic framework. We originally planned to adopt the popular client/server model, but considering that there is no fixed server, we finally decided to implement it by adopting the p2p network model.