This project is for the SupplyFrame internship challenge.
As a crazy Blizzard game fan, I implemented a HearthStone-Wiki project, the data is pulled from
The goal of this website is to display HearthStone Card data in different ways:
First, users can search for cards by PlayerClass. There are 9 playerclasses and 1 neutral class.
Second, users can also grab cards by Rarity. There are 5 rarities in total.
For both searching methods, pagination is implemented and there is also a filter for the user to get data of distinct Cost.
Users can also get the card back information form the Cardback Interface.
The UI layout is implemented mainly based on Bootstrap 4 and there is also some customed CSS. The architecture for the backend is Node + Express + EJS. Because there are some broken image links so I use plain JS in the client end to handle the 404 ERROR and replace them with the default image
This project is being developed on the macOS 10.15.2.
First, you should install Node and then you will get the NPM as well.
you can check these following documents for the different OS:
# Using macOS
Install Xcode from AppleStore
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update
brew install node
# Using Ubuntu
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Clone this repo
install the nodemon
npm install -g nodemon
cd to the Hearthstone/
nodemon start
This project depends on remote services, so please make sure your Internet connection.
Open the brower:
- Yang Guo