
php5.6 + nginx (laravel5)

Primary LanguageShell


What's this:

Centos(Nginx + PHP5.6)

  • you can easy install PHP Framework (ex: Laravel)

  • you can use xdebug mode by PHPStorm(2016.2 or latest)

  • this project use management by docker-compose

  • you can use this for Laravel-5 PHP Framework

How to install:

~ $ mkdir {project-name}
~ $ cd {project-name}
~/{project-name} $ git clone https://github.com/imagine10255/imdock-cnp56.git
~/{project-name} $ cd imdock-cnp56

change your custom settting (container_name: {project-name})

~/{project-name}/imdock-cnp56 $ vim ./docker-compose-yml
~/{project-name}/imdock-cnp56 $ docker-compose up

open browser, testing your host-ip, see the phpinfo is success! ctrl+c close this

now, you can move the your project to website dir

~/{project-name}/imdock-cnp56 $ cp ./sites-enable/default.vhost.sample ./sites-enable/default.vhost

setting your custom nginx config (volumes: ./website:/var/www → ../{project-dir}:/var/www)

~/{project-name}/imdock-cnp56 $ vim ./docker-compose-yml
~/{project-name}/imdock-cnp56 $ vim ./default.vhost
~/{project-name}/imdock-cnp56 $ docker-compose up -d

Reference architecture:

├── imdock-cnp56
│   ├── conf/
│   ├── sites-enable/(nginx website setting)
│   ├── sites-module/
│   ├── website(sample phpinfo)
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── docker-compose.yml
└── {project-dir}
    └── ...

How to and other docker-compose use the same network :

#if you not have group network, you can create this, and other docker-compose use this network setting
~ $ docker network create --driver bridge imdockgroup

How to change setting:

  • You just look at this directory you will understand (config/*)

  • When the settings are complete, restart the container

PHP Extend:

  • PHP5.6
    • mbstring
    • mcrypt
    • php-dom, php-domxml, php-wddx, php-xsl
    • php-mysqli, php_database
    • mongodb
    • redis
    • pgsql
    • php-mssql
    • php56w-pdo_sqlite, php56w-sqlite3
    • apcu
    • gd
    • imap
    • imagick
    • zend-opcache
    • memcache
    • xdebug