
This is a sample Rails application to test the fitgem_oauth2 gem.


NOTE: This application uses a local copy of fitgem_oauth. However, you can use the latest published version as well by just making changes to the Gemfile.

The following instructions assume that you are on a Linux system.

Step 1. Create a parent directory to contain this repository and the gem repository

mkdir ~/TestFitgemOauth2
cd ~/TestFitgemOauth2

Step 2. Clone this repository and the gem repository

git clone
git clone

Step 3. Setup the application

cd ~/TestFitgemOauth2/FitgemOAuth2Rails
bundle install
bundle exec figaro install

Step 4. Store your Fitbit APP credentials in config/application.yml

FITBIT_CLIENT_ID: "your_application_id"
FITBIT_CLIENT_SECRET: "your_application_secret"

Step 5. Migrate database and start rails server

rake db:migrate
rails s


For running this example on http://localhost:3000, make sure that you specify the correct callback url in your Fitbit application settings. It should be http://localhost:3000/users/auth/fitbit/callback. Looks the image below to see where to specify the callback url
