
The official Java client for Dgraph

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dgraph Client for Java

Build Status Coverage Status

A minimal implementation for a Dgraph client for Java 1.8 and above, using grpc.

This client follows the Dgraph Go client closely.

Before using this client, we highly recommend that you go through docs.dgraph.io, and understand how to run and work with Dgraph.

Table of Contents


grab via Maven:


or Gradle:

compile 'io.dgraph:dgraph4j:1.3.0'


Build and run the DgraphJavaSample project in the samples folder, which contains an end-to-end example of using the Dgraph Java client. Follow the instructions in the README of that project.

Using the Client

Create the client

a DgraphClient object can be initialised by passing it a list of DgraphBlockingStub clients. Connecting to multiple Dgraph servers in the same cluster allows for better distribution of workload.

The following code snippet shows just one connection.

ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 9080).usePlaintext(true).build();
DgraphBlockingStub blockingStub = DgraphGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
DgraphClient dgraphClient = new DgraphClient(Collections.singletonList(blockingStub));

Alternatively, you can specify a deadline (in seconds) after which the client will time out when making requests to the server.

DgraphClient dgraphClient = new DgraphClient(Collections.singletonList(blockingStub), 60) // 1 min timeout

Alter the database

To set the schema, create an Operation object, set the schema and pass it to DgraphClient#alter method.

String schema = "name: string @index(exact) .";
Operation op = Operation.newBuilder().setSchema(schema).build();

Operation contains other fields as well, including drop predicate and drop all. Drop all is useful if you wish to discard all the data, and start from a clean slate, without bringing the instance down.

// Drop all data including schema from the dgraph instance. This is useful
// for small examples such as this, since it puts dgraph into a clean
// state.

Create a transaction

To create a transaction, call DgraphClient#newTransaction() method, which returns a new Transaction object. This operation incurs no network overhead.

It is good practise to call Transaction#discard() in a finally block after running the transaction. Calling Transaction#discard() after Transaction#commit() is a no-op and you can call discard() multiple times with no additional side-effects.

Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();
  try {
    // Do something here
    // ...
  } finally {

Run a mutation

Transaction#mutate runs a mutation. It takes in a Mutation object, which provides two main ways to set data: JSON and RDF N-Quad. You can choose whichever way is convenient.

We're going to use JSON. First we define a Person class to represent a person. This data will be seralized into JSON.

class Person {
        String name
        Person() {}

Next, we initialise a Person object, serialize it and use it in Mutation object.

// Create data
Person p = new Person();
p.name = "Alice";

// Serialize it
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(p);
// Run mutation
Mutation mu =


Sometimes, you only want to commit mutation, without querying anything further. In such cases, you can use a CommitNow field in Mutation object to indicate that the mutation must be immediately committed.

The IgnoreIndexConflict flag can be set to true on the Mutation object to not run conflict detection over the index, which would decrease the number of transaction conflicts and aborts. However, this would come at the cost of potentially inconsistent upsert operations.

Run a query

You can run a query by calling Transaction#query(). You will need to pass in a GraphQL+- query string, and a map (optional, could be empty) of any variables that you might want to set in the query.

The response would contain a JSON field, which has the JSON encoded result. You will need to decode it before you can do anything useful with it.

Let’s run the following query:

query all($a: string) {
  all(func: eq(name, $a)) {

First we must create a People class that will help us deserialize the JSON result:

class People {
  List<Person> all;
  People() {}

Then we run the query, deserialize the result and print it out:

// Query
String query =
"query all($a: string){\n" +
"  all(func: eq(name, $a)) {\n" +
"    name\n" +
"  }\n" +

Map<String, String> vars = Collections.singletonMap("$a", "Alice");
Response res = dgraphClient.newTransaction().queryWithVars(query, vars);

// Deserialize
People ppl = gson.fromJson(res.getJson().toStringUtf8(), People.class);

// Print results
System.out.printf("people found: %d\n", ppl.all.size());
ppl.all.forEach(person -> System.out.println(person.name));

This should print:

people found: 1

Commit a transaction

A transaction can be committed using the Transaction#commit() method. If your transaction consisted solely of calls to Transaction#query(), and no calls to Transaction#mutate(), then calling Transaction#commit() is not necessary.

An error will be returned if other transactions running concurrently modify the same data that was modified in this transaction. It is up to the user to retry transactions when they fail.

Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();

try {
  // …
  // Perform any number of queries and mutations
  // and finally…
} catch (TxnConflictException ex) {
   // Retry or handle exception.
} finally {
   // Clean up. Calling this after txn.commit() is a no-op
   // and hence safe.


Building the source

Warning: The gradle build runs integration tests on a locally running Dgraph server. The tests will remove all data from your Dgraph instance. So make sure that you don't have any important data on your Dgraph instance.

./gradlew build

If you have made changes to the task.proto file, this step will also regenerate the source files generated by Protocol Buffer tools.

Code Style

We use google-java-format to format the source code. If you run ./gradlew build, you will be warned if there is code that is not conformant. You can run ./gradlew goJF to format the source code, before commmitting it.

Running unit tests

Warning: This command will runs integration tests on a locally running Dgraph server. The tests will remove all data from your Dgraph instance. So make sure that you don't have any important data on your Dgraph instance.

Make sure you have a Dgraph server running on localhost before you run this task.

./gradlew test